Re: No subset for email

On Mar 5, 2007, at 1:45 AM, Daniel Glazman wrote:

> Right. That's why CSS in email should be reliable. It's not, as of
> today.

I would find it a bit disturbing if the limitations and deficiencies  
of the current implementations were the main rationale behind the  
definition of an HTML subset for email. If we go down that path, then  
why not define a safe HTML subset for "Regular Web Browsing" and  
another one for "E-Commerce Transactions"? :-) The need for  
reliability is at least as important there as it is for email.

> You forget one point : if one receives an HTML-based email and replies
> to that message in HTML, the original prose must be readable and its
> styles and look'n'feel should not impact the new text.

The handling of the quoted content was actually one of the points I  
raised in my first email to this list. MUA providers (Yahoo, Google,  
Thunderbird...) tag their quoted content with custom types or custom  
classes. I'd love to see some standardization there. Same if we want  
email clients to support forms and templates: several things might  
have to be agreed upon amongst providers but I see them as extensions  
of existing standards (or precisions regarding their application),  
certainly not as subsets.


Received on Saturday, 10 March 2007 00:11:14 UTC