- From: Pierre Saslawsky <pierre@photobiker.com>
- Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 18:46:11 -0800
- To: public-html-mail@w3.org
> The announce message from Daniel Glazman indicates that this group may > want to define a "safe profile" of XHTML for use in email. I have the feeling that the orientations of this initiative are already obsolete. Most of the desktop email clients now embed full- blown HTML browser engines (Explorer, Mozilla), and mobile clients are about to start the same migration (WebKit for Nokia and iPhone, Opera for many others). The pressure to come up with a subset of elements and styles is far less than it used to be a few years back when CSS-Mobile was on the table. On the opposite, with the possibilities now offered by the clients, I believe the pressure will be on the editor modules to allow users to compose emails with the aspect or the template of their choice, resulting in full-blown CSS and HTML emails. An email-safe HTML subset is interesting for some applications but what goes for instant messages or blog comments doesn't really apply to email. We don't have within the web frame of an email client the same constraints in terms of security and visual safe-keeping of the surrounding content that we have within a IM client or a blog page. I think it is more important to regulate the interactions of modern HTML-based email clients instead of trying to restrain their possibilities to the lowest common denominator. If not, it will probably be necessary to assign its own mime-type to this new email- safe HTML profile and we'll end up with clients sending HTML messages with 3 parts instead of 2 currently: pure text, full-blown HTML, and email-safe HTML. Is it reasonable? The aspect that I would rather see standardized corresponds to HTML element types or CSS class names that would allow both the extraction of the user-generated text inside a full-blown HTML message, and the handling of the quoted content when composing a response. For instance, Yahoo and GMail identify their quoted content with a BLOCKQUOTE of a certain class, chosen by them for their internal handling, but they also add a style attribute to the BLOCKQUOTE to impose a particular visualization to the recipient (color, margins, borders...) This is really bad. Instead of that, the client upon reception of an HTML message should be able to identify the user-generated content that the sender entered within a predefined template, out of all the other elements (texts, images) that are part of the template itself. This would allow the recipient to select some of the user-generated content and compose a response by incorporating them into his own template. Other problems occur during the edition of template-based rich-HTML emails, such as the handling of user-editable elements within non- modifiable templates, which aren't all addressed by CSS3-UI as described by Daniel Glazman [1] and debated on the CSS mailing list [2] In the end, my point is that it might be more urgent for this group to focus on the generation, the handling and the interactions of rich- HTML mails than on the regulation of what parts of HTML can or cannot be used - an effort which, in my opinion, would end up as forgotten as the very similar "text/enriched" attempt more than 10 ago.[3] Pierre Saslawsky [1] http://www.glazman.org/weblog/dotclear/index.php?2005/08/04/1148- read-write-and-read-only [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2005Aug/0000.html [3] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1896
Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2007 03:11:56 UTC