Re: 鍵盤輸入文字模式的 API 的使用情節

原來信件:《Input modes: Please help me with some research!》

(12/07/27 17:24), Sunyang (Eric) wrote:
> 没太看懂。
> 不是已经有各种input type 了吗,email, number, date,text 等等。
> 他具体要加啥啊?


One of the features that I'm looking at specifying (again) is a
mechanism for authors to help user agents pick the most appropriate
input mode. For some cases this is easy; for example, user agents can
know that an <input type=number> field should have a numeric keyboard.
However, in some other cases it's not at all obvious; e.g. you want a
numeric keyboard for credit card fields, which are type=text.
機制。在某些情況下,這很簡單:舉例來說,使用者代理知道在一個 <input
type=number> 欄位上應該用一個數字鍵盤,然而,在某些情況這不太顯然:舉例
來說,使用者可能在碰到 type=text 的信用卡欄位的時候想用數字鍵盤。)

有些使用情節應該跟 css3-ui 的 'ime-mode'[1]類似,可以多想想。




Received on Friday, 27 July 2012 09:50:58 UTC