Re: 著重號應該跳過邊點嗎?(原: <em> 與 <strong>的差異、著重號真的該是 <em> 嗎?)

 2011/3/30 銝12:02 嚗 Zi Bin Cheah 撖怠堆

> 刻摰  寞猾 賣胼銋猾嚗隞亙刻瘜券em撠梯悟鈭箏振質粉喟孵嚗銝航祗瘞孵嚗敶嗆桅霂嚗蝎方祗舀芣芰嚗銝餈銝剜剖啗祗典寡舀撖孵改
> 銝敺餈銝芰冽撖嫣撖對刻正嫣蝏撣豢改瘥寡望摮銝剖箇唳霂哨刻銝芯葵獢嚗瘜霂剔 <em>銝嚗

嗅祕啗嚗拙隤瘜撌嚗銋臭葉銝蝔桀 =p 湔迤蝣箇隤芣臬隤嚗桅閰梧剝拙隤

閮敺W3C閬蝭鋆⊥堆雿憟賢航具<i>璅蝐 [1]

[1] The i element represents a span of text in an alternate voice or mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose, such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase from another language, a thought, a ship name....

Best Wishes,

Mandarin: Chen Yijun
Hoklo: Tan I-kun
Cantonese: Can Jik-guan

Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2011 05:07:15 UTC