Re: [css3-lists] CJK numbering algorithms

2011/4/22 Koji Ishii <>
> So what would you choose if possible options were:
> 1.      Fallback to “decimal” or “cjk-decimal” (or whatever else)
> 2.      Support negative numbers in the least strange way
> 3.      Display “#error” string just like MS Word does
Option 1 makes most sense to me because there's no obvious prefix for
negative numbers in Japanese.

> I think the option 2 works the best if we have to choose. If you can come
> up with other possible options, I’d be more than happy to know.
> If we go with option 2, the negative sign is even more difficult choice. I
> think U+FF0D FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS would be the best choice for horizontal
> text flow, and is more common than “マイナス”, but it looks broken in vertical
> text flow.

I don't think this would be a problem if the entire number fell back to
decimal; i.e. -1, -2, -3, etc...

- Ryosuke

Received on Friday, 22 April 2011 18:30:32 UTC