Tweak some informative wording for clarity. (bug 6768) (whatwg r3158)

Tweak some informative wording for clarity. (bug 6768) (whatwg r3158)

Diffs for this change per section:

RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2311
retrieving revision 1.2312
diff -u -d -r1.2311 -r1.2312
--- Overview.html 1 Jun 2009 08:54:21 -0000 1.2311
+++ Overview.html 1 Jun 2009 09:27:28 -0000 1.2312
@@ -17958,9 +17958,10 @@
-  </div><p class="note">To express the type of a <a href="#media-resource">media resource</a>
-  to allow the user agent to avoid downloading resources it can't
-  render, authors can use the <code><a href="#the-source-element">source</a></code> element's <code title="attr-source-type"><a href="#attr-source-type">type</a></code> attribute.<h5 id="network-states"><span class="secno"> </span>Network states</h5><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">media</var> . <code title="dom-media-networkState"><a href="#dom-media-networkstate">networkState</a></code></dt>
+  </div><p class="note">The <code title="attr-source-type"><a href="#attr-source-type">type</a></code>
+  attribute of the <code><a href="#the-source-element">source</a></code> element allows the user agent
+  to avoid downloading resources that use formats it cannot
+  render.<h5 id="network-states"><span class="secno"> </span>Network states</h5><dl class="domintro"><dt><var title="">media</var> . <code title="dom-media-networkState"><a href="#dom-media-networkstate">networkState</a></code></dt>

Received on Monday, 1 June 2009 09:29:33 UTC