from July 2009 by subject

: Added a version of the latest HTML5 specification with the RDFa module integrated into the specification text.

: Fixed a number of issues that Mark Birbeck had with the HTML5+RDFa draft spec.

: Fixed a number of issues that Shane McCarron had with the HTML5+RDFa text.

: h:tml; fixed build to account for webkit renaming their default stylesheet from html4.css to html.css

: Updated the Document Conformance section of the HTML5+RDFa specification so that the correct nesting is produced by the TOC.

Add a note that implementators should check before using third-party libraries. (credit: jr) (whatwg r3348)

Allow cloning and posting of closed ports. (credit: dw) (whatwg r3346)

annevk: add a section on attributes that are 'changed'; mention processing instructions as SGML feature; mention microdata attributes

annevk: small SGML feature change; adding links to HTML4

annevk: update list of changes since the last draft

Clarify meaning of 'css tables'. (credit: og) (whatwg r3343)

Define <label accesskey> and <legend accesskey> behaviours. (whatwg r3353)

Define how to tell if the parser is being called re-entrantly more precisely. (whatwg r3347)

Describe how to do footnotes in tables. (whatwg r3345)

Discourage use of 'autoplay'. (credit: jf) (whatwg r3344)

h:tml; fixed build to account for webkit renaming their default stylesheet from html4.css to html.css

hixie: <canvas> can become origin-dirty through painting of <video>s as well. (whatwg r3391)

hixie: ack for last checkin (whatwg r3392)

hixie: ack for last checkin (whatwg r3422)

hixie: ack for last checkin. i really must learn to check who sent the feedback to which i'm replying earlier in my edit cycle. (whatwg r3441)

hixie: ack for last websocket checkin (whatwg r3366)

hixie: ack for many checkins (whatwg r3396)

hixie: Actually I was wrong, the other specs do have this as a subsection. Oops.

hixie: Add a cautionary note about 8601. (whatwg r3507)

hixie: Add a sentence that made <hgroup> understandable for someone who didn't understand it... (whatwg r3428)

hixie: Add a terminology piece to clarify MIME vs media type. (and fix a typo) (whatwg r3451)

hixie: Add an example of a script moving nodes the parser is parsing. (whatwg r3411)

hixie: add notes and fix typos (whatwg r3443)

hixie: Allow conformance checkers to be used offline. (whatwg r3433)

hixie: Allow hashchange to fire during page load.

hixie: Allow other ways of including table descriptions. (whatwg r3358)

hixie: Allow port banning in WebSocket. (whatwg r3483)

hixie: Allude to consequences of non-UTF-8 encodings. (whatwg r3386)

hixie: and a crossref for summary='' (whatwg r3357)

hixie: Apparently <xmp> was more like <pre> than <code>. It's all before my time... (whatwg r3511)

hixie: Apparently some people think 'between' includes the end points. (whatwg r3369)

hixie: appcache: Add support for '*' in the online whitelist, allowing caches to be used without failing on non-cached resources. (whatwg r3453)

hixie: appcache: make sure to strip the fragment component from manifest='' when init'ing the appcache. (whatwg r3480)

hixie: appcache: Master entries shouldn't have fragids in the cache either. (whatwg r3454)

hixie: Audience tweaks, and typo fixes. (whatwg r3397)

hixie: audio synthesis notes for v2 (whatwg r3455)

hixie: Be more specific about which elements are meant when the spec says 'all elements' but means HTML elements only. (whatwg r3445)

hixie: canPlayType() should return something that ToBoolean()s to false in the negative case, for sanity's sake. (whatwg r3384)

hixie: capitalisation issues (whatwg r3503)

hixie: ch/choff content attributes should have been char/charoff -- I should pay more attention when generating text like this... (whatwg r3415)

hixie: Change a number of DOM attributes that historically have been 'long' to 'unsigned long' to make the spec self-consistent about how the corresponding content attributes are parsed. (Browsers are very inconsistent about this today.) (whatwg r3400)

hixie: Change document.items to document.getItems() with built-in filtering. (whatwg r3436)

hixie: Change how lineTo(), arcTo(), quadraticCurveTo(), and bezierCurveTo() behave when there's not been a moveTo() call before them. (whatwg r3476)

hixie: Change how space characters are handled in tables. Removes 'taint' concept, but adds an insertion mode (that I expect nobody will really implement that way, since the best way to code this is to have string tokens, not character tokens). (whatwg r3382)

hixie: Change the transition approach from 'downplayed error' to 'conforming with warning'. (whatwg r3378)

hixie: Changed default styles for article, aside, nav, section, dialog. (whatwg r3500)

hixie: Clarify 'font' serialisation. (whatwg r3515)

hixie: Clarify DOMTokenList's case-sensitivity. (whatwg r3388)

hixie: Clarify some hard-to-read prose about drawImage() with animated images. (whatwg r3407)

hixie: Clarify that only uncaught errors are reported. (whatwg r3423)

hixie: Clarify the encoding aliases mess. (whatwg r3368)

hixie: Clarify what 'completely fetched the entire resource' means... (whatwg r3510)

hixie: Clarify what 0-value means. (whatwg r3494)

hixie: Clarify what is normative and what is not in the <header> section. (whatwg r3442)

hixie: Clarify what should be ignored on .font for canvas (whatwg r3513)

hixie: collect v2 feature requests for file upload (whatwg r3475)

hixie: copy/paste error (whatwg r3389)

hixie: Correct a logic error in the algorithm for parsing a vague date or time. (whatwg r3404)

hixie: Correct a typo that was removing lots of content; add more stuff to the W3C header part. (whatwg r3444)

hixie: Correct an ambiguity between MIME and media types. (whatwg r3450)

hixie: Correct an error in the input element's summary of attributes and stuff: 'input' events don't fire for type=radio and checkbox. (whatwg r3405)

hixie: Correct mention of which step to jump to; change the way long text nodes are marked up in the examples. (whatwg r3412)

hixie: Correct the rules for rendering of carets in contenteditable. (whatwg r3373)

hixie: Define DOMTokenList's behaviour with empty string arguments. (whatwg r3452)

hixie: Define handling of <listing>, <plaintext>, <acronym>, <xmp>, <dir>. (whatwg r3502)

hixie: Define how history.back() works in a manner compatible with what IE does. (whatwg r3359)

hixie: Define how innerHTML triggers <script defer> scripts. This is pretty ridiculous. (whatwg r3456)

hixie: Define how to handle still-loading @font-face fonts in canvas. (whatwg r3514)

hixie: Define HTMLAllCollection for document.all. (Should we give it the [[Class]] HTMLCollection?) (whatwg r3409)

hixie: Define that document.bgcolor et al don't reflect for <frameset>. (whatwg r3416)

hixie: Define the relationship of WebSocket to HTTP and TCP better. (whatwg r3377)

hixie: Define the task source for web workers. (whatwg r3383)

hixie: Disallow nesting <video> and <audio> since the fallback is specifically for UAs that don't support <video> or <audio>. (whatwg r3488)

hixie: document.all uses HTMLAllCollection. Also, add a note about webkitPreservesPitch. (whatwg r3410)

hixie: Drop the 'applies to section' concept. (whatwg r3417)

hixie: Elaborate on attributes and DOM trees in the intro section. (whatwg r3432)

hixie: Elaborate on how to describe a table. (whatwg r3356)

hixie: Elaborate on unquoted attribute values in intro. (whatwg r3438)

hixie: Elaborate that .globalAlpha ignores Infinity and NaN values. (whatwg r3375)

hixie: Fix conflicts...

hixie: Fix EventSource GC rules. (whatwg r3472)

hixie: fix typos (whatwg r3508)

hixie: Fix use of <i>, <em>, punctuation. Add note to <em> section. (whatwg r3394)

hixie: fixup some of the domintro blocks for collections (whatwg r3408)

hixie: Force merge recent changes -- something broke recently that stopped updates.

hixie: Further tweak the new warnings section; remove the specific mention of <caption> as an alternative to summary='', describe what <a name> was for, and require that conformance checkers not call docs with warnings an unqualified 'valid'. (whatwg r3381)

hixie: Give <span> its own interface. (whatwg r3421)

hixie: hasFeature() strings. If any of these combinations can be reduced to being only supported by one browser, I'll drop them from the spec. (whatwg r3490)

hixie: I've surrounded myself with pedants. (define what bgColor and co do with frameset as the body element) (whatwg r3493)

hixie: idl typo (whatwg r3419)

hixie: Ignore application/octet-stream when used to label videos. Add a note to the WebSocket security section. (whatwg r3498)

hixie: Introduce HTMLUnknownElement. (whatwg r3505)

hixie: Introduce more magic for document.all. (whatwg r3403)

hixie: Make &#xZ; for Z > 0x10FFFF return U+FFFD. (whatwg r3467)

hixie: Make 'dependencies' its own top-level section, like in the other specs. (whatwg r3426)

hixie: Make 'input' and 'change' events bubble. (whatwg r3473)

hixie: Make .spellcheck into a DOMString attribute. (whatwg r3385)

hixie: Make <applet>, <object>, and <embed> not instantiate if they have <video> or <audio> ancestors. (whatwg r3486)

hixie: Make <input type=image> a command also. (whatwg r3506)

hixie: Make accesskey='' activate/click elements, not just focus them. This includes a horrific paragraph of confusingness. Let me know if you can find a clear way to rephrase it. (whatwg r3489)

hixie: Make DOMContentLoaded wait until after scripts have run. (whatwg r3457)

hixie: Make DOMTokenList not remove duplicates. (whatwg r3479)

hixie: Make innerHTML on text nodes only look at the parent node, not ancestors, when deciding to serialise without escaping. (whatwg r3469)

hixie: Make invalid &#x...; character references not get converted to U+FFFD, for consistency with literal invalid characters. (whatwg r3374)

hixie: Make send() not fire an exception if called after the connection has closed. (whatwg r3363)

hixie: Make sure the insertion point is undefined after parsing, since data past that point will be ignored. (whatwg r3459)

hixie: make tables consistent with IANA registry (whatwg r3402)

hixie: Make the definition of 'plugin' actually comprehensible. (whatwg r3390)

hixie: markup fixes (whatwg r3512)

hixie: Mention explicit what happens in case of failure during WebSocket creation. (whatwg r3364)

hixie: Mention explicitly that type=tel isn't format-checked. (whatwg r3509)

hixie: Mention that pushImageData() doesn't get affected by shadows, etc. (whatwg r3387)

hixie: mention that scaling algorithm isn't defined (whatwg r3471)

hixie: Mention the case of a previously-CA-signed-cert page turning into a self-signed-cert page. (whatwg r3495)

hixie: microdata vocabs: add vcard's IMPP extension which I somehow missed the first time (whatwg r3460)

hixie: Microdata: Introduce a vocabulary for licensing works which maps to ccREL at the RDF layer. (whatwg r3370)

hixie: Minor fixups to the bezierCurveTo() intro and make arcTo() behaviour clearer by merging two paragraphs. (whatwg r3477)

hixie: missed an impl requirement (whatwg r3434)

hixie: Move diagram for drawImage() up into the intro text. (whatwg r3474)

hixie: new Audio() sets .autobuffer to true. (whatwg r3449)

hixie: Not all the subsections are parse errors, so... (whatwg r3492)

hixie: Parenthetical on the wrong line. (whatwg r3458)

hixie: Placeholder for index tables -- if anyone wants to volunteer to write a script to scrape this data, let me know, I'd love to help. (whatwg r3496)

hixie: Poke around at the <nav> section to make it clearer. (whatwg r3393)

hixie: Prefer SOCKS proxies over HTTPS proxies. (credit: rc) (whatwg r3372)

hixie: readyState should be an unsigned short, like its constants. (whatwg r3481)

hixie: Recommend SSIs for framesets. (whatwg r3414)

hixie: Remove confusing non-normative text. (whatwg r3362)

hixie: Remove hasFeature() support. (whatwg r3406)

hixie: Remove section on XHTML2 given recent developments. (whatwg r3355)

hixie: remove some authoring requirements that are redundant with IDL. (whatwg r3470)

hixie: Remove the word 'legalese' since it was offending some people for some reason. (whatwg r3504)

hixie: Removing BibTeX vocabulary and related features. (whatwg r3376)

hixie: Rename disconnect() to close() for consistency with the event names. (whatwg r3365)

hixie: Rename PropertyNodeList.content to .contents to avoid confusion with HTMLElement.content. (whatwg r3435)

hixie: Rename WebSocket.postMessage() to WebSocket.send(). (whatwg r3361)

hixie: runon sentences (whatwg r3439)

hixie: Simplify getElementsByName() for compatibility reasons. (whatwg r3371)

hixie: Somehow these got missed when changing EventListener to Function a while back. (whatwg r3425)

hixie: Split Web Storage into two: Web Storage and Web Database. (whatwg r3418)

hixie: strings are DOMString, not DOMObject, duh (whatwg r3431)

hixie: Support '+' prefixes in integers, for compat with IE. (still not conforming, though) (whatwg r3401)

hixie: Technically I forgot to actually allow the permitted DOCTYPEs. This isn't the best way to do it, but it'll do for now. Also, remove a duplicate paragraph. (whatwg r3379)

hixie: tooLong applies only to modified content, not new content. Oops. (whatwg r3487)

hixie: Try changing styles to make tables wrap better in print version. (whatwg r3420)

hixie: Tweak microdata vcard example. Add appcache v2 idea for multiuser appcaches. (whatwg r3491)

hixie: Tweak the new warnings section. (whatwg r3380)

hixie: typo (whatwg r3399)

hixie: typo (whatwg r3448)

hixie: typo fix (whatwg r3446)

hixie: typos (whatwg r3478)

hixie: Uglify the spec for zcorpan. (whatwg r3427)

hixie: Update 'structure of this specification' section. (whatwg r3447)

hixie: Update abstract for Web Storage.

hixie: Update the spec to refer to current CSSOM terminology for LinkStyle/StyleSheet. (whatwg r3501)

hixie: UTF-16 is LE on the web, not BE, according to IE. (whatwg r3413)

hixie: websocket: Define how buffering works a bit better; add a .bufferedAmount attribute and make send() return a boolean. (whatwg r3485)

hixie: websocket: Mention the security model in the intro, allow timeouts in connection, be explicit about UTF-8 errors, and some editorial fixes. (whatwg r3360)

hixie: When navigating, the new URL has to have a fragid for the fragment-only thing to kick in. (whatwg r3466)

hixie: work in some consistency in the ways of referencing HTML4. (whatwg r3398)

hixie: Work on the intro section to make it more approachable. (whatwg r3440)

hixie: Wow, how did I miss that iframe was interactive? What else have I missed?? (whatwg r3499)

Indexing an object should return null, not throw an exception, when out of range. (whatwg r3349)

Make < in attribute names a parse error. (whatwg r3354)

Make the markup prettier in the examples. (whatwg r3352)

manu: Fixed a number of issues that Mark Birbeck had with the HTML5+RDFa draft spec.

manu: Updated HTML5+RDFa with more input from Ben Adida.

Mark impl-specific mirodata sections as such. Make some non-normative text more obviously non-normative. Make location.assign() act like .replace() when performed on the initial about:blank document. Fix markup error. (whatwg r3350)

mike: [specbuild] further attempt at getting the frag-ID redirect thing to work

mike: [specbuild] unwind a mistake I made that was do dumb I surprised myself with the novelty of my own stupidity

mike: added "Details" subsection to some elements

mike: added <meta http-equiv=content-language>

mike: added descriptions for global attributes that were missing them

mike: added Namespaces in XML 1.0 spec to h:tml References

mike: added section about case insensitivity in tag names and attribute names

mike: added the "border" attribute on the <img> element (with constraint that its value must be the literal string "0")

mike: added the "language" attribute on <script> (with requirement that its value must be "javascript" (case insensitively))

mike: added the "name" attribute to the <a> element

mike: added the "summary" attribute to the <table> element

mike: check in some necessary files that I had neglected to add

mike: checked in a multipage version of Hixie's draft, and made it the default view

mike: define what a misnested tag is

mike: dispense with using the schema expression for the datatype on the iframe "sandbox" attribute, replace it with something sane, and do some other cleanup tweaks

mike: filled in descriptions for some global attributes

mike: fix problem that was causing broken links in <source> documentation

mike: fixed handling of normal-character-data links in doc for <iframe> and <option>

mike: fixed the revision-number handling for multipage version of spec draft

mike: further fix to handling of revision number in multipage version

mike: further streamline the documentation for common attributes

mike: further streamlined many element descriptions

mike: further streamlining of <meter> documentation

mike: h:tml; fixed build to account for webkit renaming their default stylesheet from html4.css to html.css

mike: made further tweaks to descriptions for some <a> attributes

mike: made refinements to documentation for <meter>

mike: make a link back to the single-page version

mike: make content models for <script>, <style>, <textarea>, and <title> correct

mike: Make DOMTokenList not remove duplicates. (whatwg r3479)

mike: make sure multipage version should same revision num as single-page source; put revision number into each split-out file also

mike: many refinements to h:tml syntax section for clarity and concision

mike: minor editorial change

mike: minor tweak for clarification, in language about escaping text spans in Syntax section

mike: pull latest upstream schema changes; <table summary>, <img border>, <a name>, <script language> now conformant (with datatype-checking on border value and assertions-checking on language value); also, define the terms "document" and "HTML language".

mike: pull upstream schema change that adds all global event-handler attributes, as well as those specific to the <body> element

mike: removed the restriction that tools can't generate the legacy doctype unless they are incapable for generating the non-legacy one

mike: renamed the "HTML and XHTML documents" section to simply "Documents"

mike: reworded the "The HTML namespace and MIME types" section.

mike: reworked the definitions of different types of "character data" and what element "contents" are, to try to make things more clear; removed "Authors should not" admonitions about particular encodings; restate text about doctype vs. doctype.legacy in terms of document conformance (instead of authoring conformance); streamlined the definition of what a comment is; refined CSS stylesheet to make Notes more clearly identifiable

mike: streamline the description of what an end tag is

mike: streamlined documentation for common attributes

mike: streamlined the description of what a start tag is

mike: support treatment of XHTML 1.0 and HTML 4.01, etc., DOCTYPES as things to warn about (instead of as errors)

mike: un-share the documentation for all attributes that are common to <a>, <area>, and <link>

mike: upated

mike: updated by splitter

Try to specify the occasional reuse of Window objects when navigating away from about:blank initial docs to docs in the same origin. (credit: bz, sw) (whatwg r3351)

Last message date: Friday, 31 July 2009 23:01:25 UTC