Re: Proposal to resolve ISSUE-1

The limited feedback so far on my previous proposal came down against using _contextual_ as the default property URI generation scheme, or even including it.

I'd like to get +1/-1 from people on resolving these issues:

1) A Microdata processor uses a registry (with undefined format and update procedure for now) to control the behavior of property URI generation.

2) A Microdata processor uses a registry (with undefined format and update procedure for now) to control the serialization of multi-valued properties.

3) One property URI generation strategy is _vocabulary_, which defines a common URI to use for creating URIs for items with an @itemtype which begins with the vocabulary URI
    e.g., @itemtype=, @itemprop=name =>
    Also @itemtype=, @itempropt=name =>

4) One property URI generation strategy is _type_, which defines creates property URIs by appending a the property name to the itemtype URI separated by a '#'
    e.g. @itemtype=, @itemprop=name =>

5) On property URI generation strategy is _base_, which creates a property URI by using the portion of the itemtype URI up to and including the final '#' or '/'
    e.g., @itemtype=, @itemprop=name =>
    Also @itemtype=, @itempropt=name =>

6) The default URI generation strategy is _base_.

7) One multi-valued property serialization strategy is _unordered_, which creates triples for multiple values with a common subject and predicate.

8) One multi-valued property serialization strategy is _list_, which places all values in an RDF Collection (rdf:List) as the object of a triple.

9) There is no _contextual_ URI generation strategy, and the Microdata to RDF property generation is lossy with respect to JSON, in that properties of untyped sub-items will result in the same URI, rather than being distinct.

Please give +1/-1/0 to each of the above statements.


Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2011 03:59:00 UTC