html5/decision-policy decision-policy-v2.html,1.18,1.19

Update of /sources/public/html5/decision-policy
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv23525

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Log Message:
Please document in the decision policy the procedure for reopening an issue

Index: decision-policy-v2.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/decision-policy/decision-policy-v2.html,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -d -r1.18 -r1.19
--- decision-policy-v2.html	16 May 2011 08:07:05 -0000	1.18
+++ decision-policy-v2.html	16 May 2011 09:24:39 -0000	1.19
@@ -663,6 +663,69 @@
+<h2 id="reopening">Requests for a Decision to be Reopened Based on New Information</h2>
+<p>Occasionally, after a Working Group Decision is rendered, a WG
+Member may identify new information relevant to the decision which,
+per the W3C Process, could lead
+to <a href="">the
+decisopn being reopened</a>.</p>
+<p>The following are the steps to request reopening :</p>
+<dt id="reopen-step-1">1. Submit a Reopen Request</dt>
+<p>A request to reopen an issue should be submitted to
+the <a href=""></a>
+mailing list. A request to reopen should identify the issue to be
+reopened, and should include the following:</p>
+<li>Material new information relevant to the decision, for example of
+the type identified by the decision itself as relevant. 
+<li>A revised Change Proposal incorporating the new information as rationale.</li>
+<p>For reopening to be seriously considered, this new information and
+proposal must be likely to have been enough to materially change the
+decision, lacking refutation or additional new information,</p>
+<dt id="reopen-step-2">2. Mailing List Discussion</dt>
+<p>Working Group members discuss the proferred new information, and
+have the opportunity to provide refutation or counter-arguments.</p>
+<dt id="reopen-step-3">3. Chairs Decide</dt>
+<p>Per the W3C Process, it is up to the Chairs to decide whether to
+reopen. The Chairs will apply the standard cited above. The issue will
+only be reopened if the new information and proposal would likely have
+been enough to materially change the decision, if not refuted. If the
+Chairs decline to reopen the issue the process ends here, else proceed
+to step 4.</p>
+<dt id="reopen-step-4">4. Chairs Decide</dt>
+<p>If the Chairs decide to reopen the issue, then the issue is moved
+back to OPEN state. The escalation process proceeds from Call for
+Alternate Proposals (<a href="#escalation-step-4.b">step
+4.b</a>). Note: a reopened issue may no longer qualify to be
+considered during a currently running Pre-LC or LC review period and
+may instead be taken up in the next milestone.

Received on Monday, 16 May 2011 09:24:42 UTC