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<title>W3C HTML Working Group Status Report (November, 2009 - March, 2010)</title>

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<h1><span class="logo"><a href="/"><img src="/Icons/WWW/w3c_home_nb" alt="W3C" height="48" width="72" /></a></span><span id="headertext"><a href="..">HTML</a> ยป HTML Working Group</span></h1>
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            <h2>What is HTML?</h2>
            <p>HTML is the publishing language of the World Wide Web.</p>

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        <h2 id="current">Current Events</h2>
        <p>Editor's drafts under consideration (either for <a
or as a <a

          <li><a href="">HTML 5</a>
          <li><a href="">HTML+RDFa</a>
          <li><a href="">HTML Microdata</a>

          <li><a href="">HTML Canvas 2D
Context</a> (FPWD)</li>
          <li><a href="">HTML: The Markup
Language</a> (FPWD)</li>
          <li><a href="html5/diff/" >HTML5 diffs from HTML4</a>

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<h1>W3C HTML Working Group Status Report (November, 2009 - March, 2010)</h1>
<p>This is a report from the W3C HTML Working Group co-chairs to the W3C membership on WG activities from November, 2009 through March, 2010. </p>

<h2 id="overview">1. Overview</h2>
<p>The <a href="">HTML WG</a> co-chairs reported on the Working Group&#8217;s status to the W3C Advisory Committee (AC) at the <a href="">AC meeting on November 5</a>.&nbsp; This report gives an update on the WG status since that report.</p>

<p>The HTML WG continues to be the largest WG that the W3C has ever had.&nbsp; Thirty-seven W3C members companies are involved in the WG supporting a total of 144 WG members.&nbsp; In addition the WG has 271 invited experts giving it a total membership of 415 members (<a href="">membership data as of March 15, 2010</a>).</p> 

<p>After the HTML WG&#8217;s F2F meeting at the TPAC meetings in November 2009, the WG agreed to create two task forces on accessibility and testing.&nbsp; </p>
<p>The <a href="">Accessibility Task Force</a> is a joint task force between the HTML WG and the <a href="">Protocols and Formats WG</a> and &nbsp;is mandated to work on HTML5 accessibility-related bugs and issues.&nbsp; The status of the change proposals that the Accessibility Task Force is working on is recorded <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<p>The <a href="">Testing Task Force</a> is mandated to create a test suite for HTML5 that could be used to assist the WG in improving the quality of the HTML5 specifications and for use during Candidate Recommendation phase of work.&nbsp; The TF is currently working on the procedures for the <a href="">submission</a> and <a href="">approval</a> of individual test cases.&nbsp; The TF is also working on updating the existing DOM Level 2 test cases and integrating them into a new test suite archival system.</p>

<h3 id="meetings">Meetings</h3>
<p>During the period covered by this report, the HTML WG did most of its work via email.&nbsp; During the reporting period <a href="">the WG&#8217;s public email list</a> recorded nearly 4000 message. The WG also holds a weekly teleconference meeting.&nbsp; The Accessibility TF holds a weekly teleconference meeting and it has several sub-task forces that meet regularly.&nbsp; The Testing TF holds a teleconference meeting every two weeks. </p> 
<p>The HTML WG has not held a F2F meeting since the TPAC meetings in November, 2009.&nbsp; The WG has no future F2F meeting scheduled although it has not yet reviewed the possibility of attending the TPAC meetings in November, 2010.</p>

<p>The HTML WG published the following six documents on March 4 (<a href="">W3C
news article</a>): </p>

  <li><a href="">HTML5 (A
vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML) Working Draft</a></li>
  <li><a href="">HTML Canvas 2D Context Working Draft</a> (contains material previously in the HTML5 specification)</li>
  <li><a href="">HTML Microdata Working Draft</a> (contains material previously in the HTML5 specification)</li>
  <li><a href="">HTML+RDFa (A mechanism for embedding RDF in HTML) Working Draft</a></li>
  <li><a href="">HTML: The
Markup Language Working Draft</a> </li>
  <li><a href="">HTML5
differences from HTML4 Working Draft</a></li>

<p>The HTML Microdata and Canvas 2D Context specifications contain material that was previously published as part of the main HTML5 specification.&nbsp; Splitting this material out permits the material to progress on its own schedule and increases the chances that the material may be used by other Working Groups.&nbsp; Note that the co-chairs ruled that these two specifications were in the scope of the HTML WG charter.&nbsp; The Director supported this ruling in <a href="">an email to the HTML WG</a>.</p>

<p>The HTML Working Group intends to re-publish this set of documents on a regular rhythm of about every 3-4 months to meet its <a href="">&#8220;heartbeat&#8221; requirement</a>.</p> 
<p>Most of the material in the HTML WG working drafts listed above is also published in a <a href="">specification</a> by the WHATWG but licensed under different terms.</p>

<p>The HTML WG is working on several items that require liaison with others groups as outlined in the WG&#8217;s <a href="">charter</a>.&nbsp; The following list is an example of these liaisons:</p>

  <li><a href="">Issue-27</a> requires coordination with IETF for the creation of a registry.</li>
  <li>The W3C TAG has expressed interest in several WG issues includes <a href="">Issue-41</a> on decentralized extensibility and <a href="">Issue-81</a> on the choice of terminology for &#8220;representation&#8221; and &#8220;resource&#8221;.&nbsp; See also the recent <a href="">TAG status report</a>.</li>
  <li>The HTML WG has a large number of accessibility issues which are being worked on in co-operation with the <a href="">Protocols and Formats WG</a>.</li>
  <li>HTML5 supports the inclusion of SVG and MathML content and this requires coordination with the <a href="">SVG WG</a> and the <a href="">MathML WG</a>.</li>
  <li>The <a href="">Internationalization WG</a> recently published <a href="">Additional Requirements for Bidi in HTML Working Draft</a> which will require future coordination with the HTML WG.</li>
  <li>The <a href="">WebApps WG</a> is working on several specifications that were previously in the HTML5 specification and the <a href="">WebApps WG&#8217;s charter</a> is currently under revision.</li> 

<h2>2. HTML Bugs and Issues</h2>
<p>Most of the work of the HTML WG is driven by the submission of bugs on the WG&#8217;s specifications.&nbsp; New bugs are entered into one of several <a href="">Bugzilla instances</a> used by the WG (ie one per specification).&nbsp; The following table shows the arrival rate and resolution rate of all HTML5 bugs in 2009 and Jan-Feb 2010:</p> 

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<p>As of March 15, 2010 there were 153 bugs that the <a href="">HTML WG editors have not yet processed</a>.</p>

<p>The HTML WG adopted a <a href="">decision policy</a> in Nov 2009.&nbsp; Although this decision policy was draft by the co-chairs to be ready for the expected large volume of Last Call comments, the WG commenced using the policy as soon as it was adopted.&nbsp; Since the WG starting using the decision policy several questions have been raised on the policy.&nbsp; The co-chairs have chosen to track bugs on the decision policy in the same way as other WG bugs. The co-chairs are currently processing <a href="">the open bugs</a> and will be providing the WG with an edited decision policy for the WG to adopt in the near future.</p>

<p>This decision policy includes both a <a href="">Basic Process</a> thru which most HTML5 bugs are processed and an <a href="">Escalation Process</a> that is used when WG members and one of the HTML5 Editors cannot agree on how a bug should be dealt with.</p>

<p>Bugs that are escalated become WG issues and the status of these escalated bugs is maintained by the <a href="">HTML WG Tracker instance</a>.&nbsp; As of March 15, 2010 the WG &nbsp;had <a href="">12 raised</a> issues, <a href="">22 open</a> issues and <a href="">1 issue pending review</a> for a total of 35 issues. &nbsp;As issues are being processed by the WG, the co-chairs request explicit Change Proposals or counter-proposals from WG members.&nbsp; The status of these proposals is tracked on the <a href="">Change Proposal status page</a>.&nbsp; The WG has resolved 16 issues since the TPAC meeting in November, 2009 while 15 new issues have been created.</p>

<p>The HTML WG co-chairs are responsible for determining when consensus on an issue and/or a change proposal has been reached.&nbsp; In one case during the reporting period the co-chairs had to rule on resolving an issue when there was not unanimous support for the resolution.&nbsp; ISSUE-76 was resolved in January, 2010 with <a href="">a detailed ruling</a> from the co-chairs.</p>

<h2>3. Getting to W3C Last Call</h2>
<p>In order to get the HTML WG specifications listed above to <a href="">W3C Last Call</a> the WG must resolve all the outstanding bugs and issues mentioned above.&nbsp; This remains a daunting task for the follow reasons:</p>

  <li>the arrival rate of new bugs on the HTML5 specifications has NOT yet started to decrease,</li>
  <li>there is a significant backlog of unresolved bugs yet to be processed by the specification Editors as per the WG&#8217;s decision policy&#8217;s Basic Process,</li>
  <li>there are still 34 unresolved escalated bugs (ie WG issues),</li>
  <li>new WG issues are arriving at about the same rate as the WG is resolving
  <li>there are 27 WG issues where a change proposal is due in the next month leaving the WG with a large backlog of work to discuss,</li>
  <li>many of the remaining WG issues are potentially difficult and contentious e.g. <a href="">Action-29 on specification license</a>, <a href="">Issue-41 on distributed extensibility</a>, <a href="">Issue-81 on representation vs resource</a>, etc.</li>
  <li>many of the current WG issues are in the domain of the Accessibility Task Force and progress in this TF is currently quite slow but steady.</li> 

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    <span class="vcard">Paul Cotton, Microsoft, co-chair</span><br />
    <span class="vcard"><a class="url fn" href="">Sam
Ruby</a>, IBM, co-chair</span><br />
    <span class="vcard">Maciej Stachowiak, Apple, co-chair</span><br />
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Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2010 21:11:49 UTC