html5/spec Overview.html,1.3699,1.3700

Update of /sources/public/html5/spec
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv31654

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Editorial changes to 2D and Microdata specs for FPWD. Clean-up of the references sections. Fix some problems caused by dropping language versioning at the WHATWG. (whatwg r4646)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3699
retrieving revision 1.3700
diff -u -d -r1.3699 -r1.3700
--- Overview.html	4 Feb 2010 02:29:13 -0000	1.3699
+++ Overview.html	4 Feb 2010 03:11:46 -0000	1.3700
@@ -1368,16 +1368,26 @@
   format suggested for most authors. It is compatible with most legacy
   Web browsers. If a document is transmitted with an <a href="#html-mime-type">HTML MIME
   type</a>, such as <code><a href="#text-html">text/html</a></code>, then it will be
-  processed as an HTML document by Web browsers. This specification
-  defines version 5 of the HTML syntax, known as "HTML5".<p>The second concrete syntax is the XHTML syntax, which is an
+  processed as an HTML document by Web browsers.
+  This specification defines version 5 of the HTML syntax, known as
+  "HTML5".
+  <p>The second concrete syntax is the XHTML syntax, which is an
   application of XML. When a document is transmitted with an <a href="#xml-mime-type">XML
   MIME type</a>, such as <code><a href="#application-xhtml-xml">application/xhtml+xml</a></code>, then
   it is treated as an XML document by Web browsers, to be parsed by an
   XML processor. Authors are reminded that the processing for XML and
   HTML differs; in particular, even minor syntax errors will prevent a
   document labeled as XML from being rendered fully, whereas they
-  would be ignored in the HTML syntax. This specification defines
-  version 5 of the XHTML syntax, known as "XHTML5".<p>The DOM, the HTML syntax, and XML cannot all represent the same
+  would be ignored in the HTML syntax.
+  This specification defines version 5 of the XHTML syntax, known as
+  "XHTML5".
+  <p>The DOM, the HTML syntax, and XML cannot all represent the same
   content. For example, namespaces cannot be represented using the
   HTML syntax, but they are supported in the DOM and in XML.
   Similarly, documents that use the <code><a href="#the-noscript-element">noscript</a></code> feature can
@@ -1868,6 +1878,7 @@
     during script execution itself. (This is only a "SHOULD" and not a
     "MUST" requirement because it has been proven to be impossible. <a href="#refsCOMPUTABLE">[COMPUTABLE]</a>)</p>
     <p>The term "HTML5 validator" can be used to refer to a
     conformance checker that itself conforms to the applicable
     requirements of this specification.</p>
@@ -10273,8 +10284,9 @@
   <a href="#refsBOCU1">[BOCU1]</a>
   <a href="#refsSCSU">[SCSU]</a>
   <!-- no idea what to reference for JOHAB or EBCDIC, so... -->
-  <p>Authors should not use UTF-32, as the HTML5 encoding detection
-  algorithms intentionally do not distinguish it from UTF-16. <a href="#refsUNICODE">[UNICODE]</a><p class="note">Using non-UTF-8 encodings can have unexpected
+  <p>Authors should not use UTF-32, as the encoding detection
+  algorithms described in this specification intentionally do not
+  distinguish it from UTF-16. <a href="#refsUNICODE">[UNICODE]</a><p class="note">Using non-UTF-8 encodings can have unexpected
   results on form submission and URL encodings, which use the
   <a href="#document-s-character-encoding">document's character encoding</a> by default.<p>In XHTML, the XML declaration should be used for inline character
   encoding information, if necessary.<div class="example">
@@ -62650,7 +62662,7 @@
   obsolete features.</p>
   <p class="example">For example, a validator could report some pages
-  as "Valid HTML5" and others as "Valid HTML5 with warnings".</p>
+  as "Valid HTML" and others as "Valid HTML with warnings".</p>
   </div><h3 id="non-conforming-features"><span class="secno">10.2 </span>Non-conforming features</h3><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Last call for comments</i><p>Elements in the following list are entirely obsolete, and must
   not be used by authors:<dl><!-- alphabetical by first element in the group, except CSS goes last --><dt><code><a href="#the-applet-element">applet</a></code></dt>
@@ -66923,128 +66935,123 @@
   </table><p class="note">See also <a href="#mediaevents">media element
   events</a>, <a href="#appcacheevents">application cache events</a>,
-  and <a href="#dndevents">drag-and-drop events</a>.<h2 class="no-num" id="references">References</h2><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Implemented and widely deployed</i></p><!--REFS--><p>All references are normative unless marked "Non-normative".</p><!-- XXX really should remove dates and version numbers from these references once and for all --><dl><dt id="refsABNF">[ABNF]</dt>
+  and <a href="#dndevents">drag-and-drop events</a>.<h2 class="no-num" id="references">References</h2><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Implemented and widely deployed</i></p><!--REFS--><p>All references are normative unless marked "Non-normative".</p><!-- Dates are only included for standards older than the Web,
+  because the newer ones keep changing. --><dl><dt id="refsABNF">[ABNF]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Augmented
    BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF</a></cite>, D. Crocker,
-   P. Overell. IETF, January 2008.</dd>
+   P. Overell. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsABOUT">[ABOUT]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The
-   'about' URI scheme</a></cite>, J. Holsten, L. Hunt. IETF, August
-   2009.</dd>
+   'about' URI scheme</a></cite>, J. Holsten, L. Hunt. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsARIA">[ARIA]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Accessible Rich
    Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA)</a></cite>, J. Craig, M. Cooper, L. Pappas,
-   R. Schwerdtfeger, L. Seeman. W3C, August 2009.</dd>
+   R. Schwerdtfeger, L. Seeman. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsARIAIMPL">[ARIAIMPL]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">WAI-ARIA 1.0
    User Agent Implementation Guide</a></cite>, A. Snow-Weaver,
-   M. Cooper. W3C, August 2009.</dd>
+   M. Cooper. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsATAG">[ATAG]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Authoring Tool Accessibility
    Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0</a></cite>, J. Richards, J. Spellman,
-   J. Treviranus. W3C, May 2009.</dd>
+   J. Treviranus. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsATOM">[ATOM]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">The Atom Syndication
-   Format</a></cite>, M. Nottingham, R. Sayre. IETF, December
-   2005.</dd>
+   Format</a></cite>, M. Nottingham, R. Sayre. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsBCP47">[BCP47]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Tags for
    Identifying Languages; Matching of Language Tags</a></cite>,
-   A. Phillips, M. Davis. IETF, September 2006.</dd>
+   A. Phillips, M. Davis. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsBECSS">[BECSS]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Behavioral
-   Extensions to CSS</a></cite>, I. Hickson. W3C, October 2007.</dd>
+   Extensions to CSS</a></cite>, I. Hickson. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsBIDI">[BIDI]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">UAX #9: Unicode
-   Bidirectional Algorithm</a></cite>, M. Davis. Unicode Consortium,
-   March 2008.</dd>
+   Bidirectional Algorithm</a></cite>, M. Davis. Unicode Consortium.</dd>
    <dt id="refsBOCU1">[BOCU1]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">UTN #6: BOCU-1:
    MIME-Compatible Unicode Compression</a></cite>, M. Scherer,
-   M. Davis. Unicode Consortium, February 2006.</dd>
+   M. Davis. Unicode Consortium.</dd>
    <dt id="refsCESU8">[CESU8]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">UTR #26: Compatibility
    Encoding Scheme For UTF-16: 8-BIT (CESU-8)</a></cite>,
-   T. Phipps. Unicode Consortium, April 2002.</dd>
+   T. Phipps. Unicode Consortium.</dd>
    <dt id="refsCHARMOD">[CHARMOD]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Character Model for the World
    Wide Web 1.0: Fundamentals</a></cite>, M. D&uuml;rst, F. Yergeau,
-   R. Ishida, M. Wolf, T. Texin. W3C, February 2005.</dd>
+   R. Ishida, M. Wolf, T. Texin. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsCOMPUTABLE">[COMPUTABLE]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">On computable
    numbers, with an application to the
    Entscheidungsproblem</a></cite>, A. Turing. In <cite>Proceedings of
    the London Mathematical Society</cite>, series 2, volume 42, pages
-   230-265. London Mathematical Society, 1937.  Retrieved on
-   2007-03-03.</dd>
+   230-265. London Mathematical Society, 1937.</dd>
    <dt id="refsCOOKIES">[COOKIES]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">HTTP State
-   Management Mechanism</a></cite>, D. Kristol, L. Montulli. IETF,
-   February 1997.</dd>
+   Management Mechanism</a></cite>, D. Kristol, L. Montulli. IETF.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">HTTP State Management
-   Mechanism</a></cite>, D. Kristol, L. Montulli. IETF, October 2000.</dd>
+   Mechanism</a></cite>, D. Kristol, L. Montulli. IETF.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">HTTP State
-   Management Mechanism</a></cite>, A. Barth. IETF, August 2009.</dd>
+   Management Mechanism</a></cite>, A. Barth. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsCORS">[CORS]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Cross-Origin
-   Resource Sharing</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren. W3C, March 2009.</dd>
+   Resource Sharing</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren. W3C.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Cross-Origin
-   Resource Sharing</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren.  W3C, June 2009.</dd>
+   Resource Sharing</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren.  W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsCSS">[CSS]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Cascading Style Sheets Level 2
    Revision 1</a></cite>, B. Bos, T. &Ccedil;elik, I.
-   Hickson, H. Lie. W3C, April 2009.</dd>
+   Hickson, H. Lie. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsCSSATTR">[CSSATTR]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">CSS
-   Styling Attribute Syntax</a></cite>, E. Etemad. W3C, January
-   2010.</dd>
+   Styling Attribute Syntax</a></cite>, E. Etemad. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsCSSCOLOR">[CSSCOLOR]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">CSS Color
    Module Level 3</a></cite>, T. &Ccedil;elik, C. Lilley, L.
-   Baron. W3C, July 2008.</dd>
+   Baron. W3C.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">CSS Color
    Module Level 3</a></cite>, T. &Ccedil;elik, C. Lilley, L.
-   Baron. W3C, August 2008.</dd>
+   Baron. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsCSSOM">[CSSOM]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Cascading Style Sheets
-   Object Model (CSSOM)</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren. W3C, December 2007.</dd>
+   Object Model (CSSOM)</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsCSSUI">[CSSUI]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">CSS3 Basic User
-   Interface Module</a></cite>, T. &Ccedil;elik. W3C, May 2004.</dd>
+   Interface Module</a></cite>, T. &Ccedil;elik. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsDOMCORE">[DOMCORE]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Document
    Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification</a></cite>, A. Le
    Hors, P. Le Hegaret, L. Wood, G. Nicol, J. Robie, M. Champion,
-   S. Byrnes. W3C, April 2004.</dd>
+   S. Byrnes. W3C.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Web
-   DOM Core</a></cite>, S. Pieters. W3C, June 2009.</dd>
+   DOM Core</a></cite>, S. Pieters. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsDOMEVENTS">[DOMEVENTS]</dt>
@@ -67052,49 +67059,48 @@
    href="">Document Object
    Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification</a></cite>,
-   B. H&ouml;hrmann, P. Le Hegaret, T. Pixley. W3C, December
-   2007.</dd>
+   B. H&ouml;hrmann, P. Le Hegaret, T. Pixley. W3C.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Document
    Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification</a></cite>,
-   D. Schepers. W3C, July 2009.</dd>
+   D. Schepers. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsDOMRANGE">[DOMRANGE]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Document
    Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range
    Specification</a></cite>, J.  Kesselman, J. Robie, M. Champion,
-   P. Sharpe, V. Apparao, L.  Wood. W3C, November 2000.</dd>
+   P. Sharpe, V. Apparao, L.  Wood. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsDOMVIEWS">[DOMVIEWS]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Document Object
    Model (DOM) Level 2 Views Specification</a></cite>, A. Le Hors, L.
-   Cable. W3C, November 2000.</dd>
+   Cable. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsECMA262">[ECMA262]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">ECMAScript
-   Language Specification</a></cite>. ECMA, December 2009.</dd>
+   Language Specification</a></cite>. ECMA.</dd>
    <dt id="refsECMA357">[ECMA357]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">ECMAScript
-   for XML (E4X) Specification</a></cite>. ECMA, December 2005.</dd>
+   for XML (E4X) Specification</a></cite>. ECMA.</dd>
    <dt id="refsEUCKR">[EUCKR]</dt>
    <dd><cite>Hangul Unix Environment</cite>. Korea Industrial
-   Standards Association, 1992. Ref. No. KS C 5861-1992.</dd>
+   Standards Association. Ref. No. KS C 5861-1992.</dd>
    <dt id="refsFILEAPI">[FILEAPI]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">File
-   API</a></cite>, A. Ranganathan. W3C, August 2009.</dd>
+   API</a></cite>, A. Ranganathan. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsGBK">[GBK]</dt>
    <dd><cite>Chinese Internal Code Specification</cite>. Chinese IT
-   Standardization Technical Committee, December 1995.</dd>
+   Standardization Technical Committee.</dd>
    <!-- -->
    <dt id="refsGRAPHICS">[GRAPHICS]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite>Computer Graphics: Principles and
    Practice in C</cite>, Second Edition, J. Foley, A. van Dam,
-   S. Feiner, J. Hughes. Addison-Wesley, July 1995. ISBN
+   S. Feiner, J. Hughes. Addison-Wesley. ISBN
    This book ("Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C")
@@ -67110,74 +67116,71 @@
    <dt id="refsHATOM">[HATOM]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">hAtom</a></cite>, D
-   Janes. Microformats, November 2009.</dd>
+   Janes. Microformats.</dd>
    <dt id="refsHTMLDIFF">[HTMLDIFF]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a
    href="">HTML5 differences from
-   HTML4</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren. W3C, April 2009.</dd>
+   HTML4</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren. W3C.</dd>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">HTML5
-   differences from HTML4</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren.  W3C, August
-   2009.</dd>
+   differences from HTML4</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren.  W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsHTTP">[HTTP]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Hypertext
    Transfer Protocol &mdash; HTTP/1.1</a></cite>, R. Fielding, J. Gettys,
-   J. Mogul, H.  Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee. IETF,
-   June 1999.</dd>
+   J. Mogul, H.  Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsIANACHARSET">[IANACHARSET]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Character
-   Sets</a></cite>. IANA, May 2007.</dd>
+   Sets</a></cite>. IANA.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Permanent
-   Message Header Field Names</a></cite>. IANA, October 2009.</dd>
+   Message Header Field Names</a></cite>. IANA.</dd>
    <dt id="refsISO8601">[ISO8601]</dt>
-   <dd><cite><a href=";nodeid=4021199">ISO8601: Data elements and interchange formats &mdash; Information interchange &mdash; Representation of dates and times</a></cite>. ISO, December 2004.</dd>
+   <dd><cite><a href=";nodeid=4021199">ISO8601: Data elements and interchange formats &mdash; Information interchange &mdash; Representation of dates and times</a></cite>. ISO.</dd>
    <dt id="refsISO885911">[ISO885911]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">ISO-8859-11:
    Information technology &mdash; 8-bit single-byte coded graphic
    character sets &mdash; Part 11: Latin/Thai
-   alphabet</a></cite>. ISO, October 1999.</dd>
+   alphabet</a></cite>. ISO.</dd>
    <dt id="refsJSURL">[JSURL]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The
    'javascript' resource identifier scheme</a></cite>,
-   B. H&ouml;hrmann. IETF, November 2006.</dd>
+   B. H&ouml;hrmann. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsMAILTO">[MAILTO]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The mailto URL
    scheme</a></cite>, P. Hoffman, L. Masinter, J. Zawinski.
-   IETF, July 1998.</dd>
+   IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsMATHML">[MATHML]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Mathematical
    Markup Language (MathML)</a></cite>, D. Carlisle, P. Ion, R. Miner,
-   N. Poppelier. W3C, October 2003.</dd>
+   N. Poppelier. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsMIMESNIFF">[MIMESNIFF]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Content-Type
-   Processing Model</a></cite>, A. Barth, I. Hickson. IETF,
-   May 2009.</dd>
+   Processing Model</a></cite>, A. Barth, I. Hickson. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsMQ">[MQ]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Media
    Queries</a></cite>, H. Lie, T.  &Ccedil;elik, D. Glazman, A. van
-   Kesteren. W3C, April 2009.</dd>
+   Kesteren. W3C.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Media
    Queries</a></cite>, H. Lie, T.  &Ccedil;elik, D. Glazman, A. van
-   Kesteren. W3C, July 2009.</dd>
+   Kesteren. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsNPAPI">[NPAPI]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Gecko
-   Plugin API Reference</a></cite>. Mozilla, November 2008.</dd>
+   Plugin API Reference</a></cite>. Mozilla.</dd>
    <dt id="refsOPENSEARCH">[OPENSEARCH]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Autodiscovery
@@ -67186,32 +67189,29 @@
    <dt id="refsORIGIN">[ORIGIN]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The HTTP
-   Origin Header</a></cite>, A. Barth, C. Jackson, I. Hickson. IETF,
-   September 2009.</dd>
+   Origin Header</a></cite>, A. Barth, C. Jackson, I. Hickson. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsPINGBACK">[PINGBACK]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Pingback
-   1.0</a></cite>, S. Langridge, I. Hickson. January 2007.</dd>
+   1.0</a></cite>, S. Langridge, I. Hickson.</dd>
    <dt id="refsPNG">[PNG]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Portable Network
-   Graphics (PNG) Specification</a></cite>, D. Duce. W3C, November
-   2003.</dd>
+   Graphics (PNG) Specification</a></cite>, D. Duce. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsPPUTF8">[PPUTF8]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">The
    Properties and Promises <!-- Promizes (sic) --> of
-   UTF-8</a></cite>, M. D&uuml;rst. University of Z&uuml;rich,
-   September 1997. In <cite>Proceedings of the 11th International
+   UTF-8</a></cite>, M. D&uuml;rst. University of Z&uuml;rich. In <cite>Proceedings of the 11th International
    Unicode Conference</cite>.</dd>
    <dt id="refsPROGRESS">[PROGRESS]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Progress
-   Events</a></cite>, C. McCathieNevile. W3C, May 2008.</dd>
+   Events</a></cite>, C. McCathieNevile. W3C.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Progress
-   Events</a></cite>, C. McCathieNevile. W3C, March 2009.</dd>
+   Events</a></cite>, C. McCathieNevile. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsPSL">[PSL]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Public Suffix List</a></cite>.
@@ -67224,168 +67224,156 @@
    <dt id="refsRFC1345">[RFC1345]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Character Mnemonics
-   and Character Sets</a></cite>, K. Simonsen. IETF, June 1992.</dd>
+   and Character Sets</a></cite>, K. Simonsen. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC1468">[RFC1468]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Japanese Character
    Encoding for Internet Messages</a></cite>, J. Murai, M. Crispin, E. van der
-   Poel. IETF, June 1993.</dd>
+   Poel. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC1494">[RFC1494]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Equivalences between
    1988 X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies</a></cite>, H. Alvestrand,
-   S. Thompson. IETF, August 1993.</dd>
+   S. Thompson. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC1554">[RFC1554]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">ISO-2022-JP-2:
-   Multilingual Extension of ISO-2022-JP</a></cite>, M. Ohta, K. Handa. IETF,
-   December 1993.</dd>
+   Multilingual Extension of ISO-2022-JP</a></cite>, M. Ohta, K. Handa. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC1557">[RFC1557]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Korean Character
-   Encoding for Internet Messages</a></cite>, U. Choi, K. Chon, H. Park. IETF,
-   December 1993.</dd>
+   Encoding for Internet Messages</a></cite>, U. Choi, K. Chon, H. Park. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC1842">[RFC1842]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">ASCII
    Printable Characters-Based Chinese Character Encoding for Internet
    Messages</a></cite>, Y. Wei, Y. Zhang, J. Li, J. Ding, Y. Jiang.
-   IETF, August 1995.</dd>
+   IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC1922">[RFC1922]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Chinese Character
    Encoding for Internet Messages</a></cite>, HF. Zhu, DY. Hu, ZG. Wang, TC. Kao,
-   WCH. Chang, M. Crispin. IETF, March 1996.</dd>
+   WCH. Chang, M. Crispin. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC2045">[RFC2045]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Multipurpose Internet
    Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies</a></cite>,
-   N. Freed, N. Borenstein. IETF, November 1996.</dd>
+   N. Freed, N. Borenstein. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC2046">[RFC2046]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Multipurpose Internet
    Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types</a></cite>, N. Freed,
-   N.  Borenstein. IETF, November 1996.</dd> <!-- for text/plain and
+   N.  Borenstein. IETF.</dd> <!-- for text/plain and
    "Internet Media type"; not for definition of "valid MIME type". -->
    <dt id="refsRFC2119">[RFC2119]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Key words for use in
-   RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</a></cite>, S. Bradner. IETF, March
-   1997.</dd>
+   RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</a></cite>, S. Bradner. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC2237">[RFC2237]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Japanese Character
-   Encoding for Internet Messages</a></cite>, K. Tamaru. IETF, November
-   1997.</dd>
+   Encoding for Internet Messages</a></cite>, K. Tamaru. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC2313">[RFC2313]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">PKCS #1:
-   RSA Encryption</a></cite>, B. Kaliski. IETF, March 1998.</dd>
+   RSA Encryption</a></cite>, B. Kaliski. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC2318">[RFC2318]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The
-   text/css Media Type</a></cite>, H. Lie, B. Bos, C. Lilley. IETF,
-   March 1998.</dd>
+   text/css Media Type</a></cite>, H. Lie, B. Bos, C. Lilley. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC2388">[RFC2388]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Returning Values from
-   Forms: multipart/form-data</a></cite>, L. Masinter. IETF, August 1998.</dd>
+   Forms: multipart/form-data</a></cite>, L. Masinter. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC2483">[RFC2483]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">URI Resolution
    Services Necessary for URN Resolution</a></cite>, M. Mealling, R. Daniel.
-   IETF, January 1999.</dd>
+   IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC2781">[RFC2781]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">UTF-16, an
-   encoding of ISO 10646</a></cite>, P. Hoffman, F. Yergeau. IETF,
-   February 2000.</dd>
+   encoding of ISO 10646</a></cite>, P. Hoffman, F. Yergeau. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC2646">[RFC2646]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The Text/Plain Format
-   Parameter</a></cite>, R. Gellens. IETF, August 1999.</dd>
+   Parameter</a></cite>, R. Gellens. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC2806">[RFC2806]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">URLs for Telephone
-   Calls</a></cite>, A. Vaha-Sipila. IETF, April 2000.</dd>
+   Calls</a></cite>, A. Vaha-Sipila. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC3023">[RFC3023]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">XML Media
-   Types</a></cite>, M. Murata, S. St. Laurent, D. Kohn. IETF, January 2001.</dd>
+   Types</a></cite>, M. Murata, S. St. Laurent, D. Kohn. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC3279">[RFC3279]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Algorithms
    and Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
    Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
-   Profile</a></cite>, W. Polk, R. Housley, L. Bassham. IETF, April
-   2002.</dd>
+   Profile</a></cite>, W. Polk, R. Housley, L. Bassham. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC3490">[RFC3490]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Internationalizing
    Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)</a></cite>, P. Faltstrom, P. Hoffman, A.
-   Costello. IETF, March 2003.</dd>
+   Costello. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC3548">[RFC3548]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The Base16, Base32,
-   and Base64 Data Encodings</a></cite>, S. Josefsson. IETF, July
-   2003.</dd>
+   and Base64 Data Encodings</a></cite>, S. Josefsson. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC3864">[RFC3864]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Registration Procedures
    for Message Header Fields</a></cite>, G. Klyne, M. Nottingham,
-   J. Mogul. IETF, September 2004.</dd>
+   J. Mogul. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC3986">[RFC3986]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Uniform Resource
    Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax</a></cite>, T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L.
-   Masinter. IETF, January 2005.</dd>
+   Masinter. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC3987">[RFC3987]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Internationalized
-   Resource Identifiers (IRIs)</a></cite>, M. D&uuml;rst, M. Suignard. IETF, January
-   2005.</dd>
+   Resource Identifiers (IRIs)</a></cite>, M. D&uuml;rst, M. Suignard. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC4281">[RFC4281]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The Codecs Parameter
-   for "Bucket" Media Types</a></cite>, R. Gellens, D. Singer, P. Frojdh. IETF,
-   November 2005.</dd>
+   for "Bucket" Media Types</a></cite>, R. Gellens, D. Singer, P. Frojdh. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC4329">[RFC4329]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Scripting Media
-   Types</a></cite>, B. H&ouml;hrmann. IETF, April 2006.</dd>
+   Types</a></cite>, B. H&ouml;hrmann. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC5280">[RFC5280]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Internet
    X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate
    Revocation List (CRL) Profile</a></cite>, D. Cooper, S. Santesson,
-   S. Farrell, S. Boeyen, R. Housley, W. Polk. IETF, May 2008.</dd>
+   S. Farrell, S. Boeyen, R. Housley, W. Polk. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsRFC5322">[RFC5322]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Internet Message
-   Format</a></cite>, P. Resnick. IETF, October 2008.</dd>
+   Format</a></cite>, P. Resnick. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsSCSU">[SCSU]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">UTR #6: A Standard
    Compression Scheme For Unicode</a></cite>, M. Wolf, K. Whistler,
-   C. Wicksteed, M. Davis, A. Freytag, M. Scherer. Unicode Consortium,
-   May 2005.</dd>
+   C. Wicksteed, M. Davis, A. Freytag, M. Scherer. Unicode Consortium.</dd>
    <dt id="refsSELECTORS">[SELECTORS]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Selectors</a></cite>,
    T. &Ccedil;elik, E. Etemad, D.  Glazman, I. Hickson, P. Linss,
-   J. Williams. W3C, March 2009.</dd>
+   J. Williams. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsSHIFTJIS">[SHIFTJIS]</dt>
    <dd><cite>JIS X0208: 7-bit and 8-bit double byte coded KANJI sets
-   for information interchange</cite>. Japanese Standards Association,
-   1997.</dd>
+   for information interchange</cite>. Japanese Standards Association.</dd>
    <dt id="refsSRGB">[SRGB]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="!OpenDocument&amp;Click=">IEC
    61966-2-1: Multimedia systems and equipment &mdash; Colour measurement
    and management &mdash; Part 2-1: Colour management &mdash; Default RGB colour
-   space &mdash; sRGB</a></cite>. IEC, October 1999.</dd>
+   space &mdash; sRGB</a></cite>. IEC.</dd>
    <dt id="refsSVG">[SVG]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Scalable Vector
@@ -67393,64 +67381,64 @@
    R. Berjon, E. Dahlstr&ouml;m, A. Emmons, J. Ferraiolo, A. Grasso,
    V. Hardy, S. Hayman, D. Jackson, C. Lilley, C. McCormack,
    A. Neumann, C. Northway, A. Quint, N. Ramani, D. Schepers,
-   A. Shellshear. W3C, December 2008.</dd>
+   A. Shellshear. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsTIS620">[TIS620]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">UDC
    681.3.04:003.62</a></cite>. Thai Industrial Standards Institute,
-   Ministry of Industry, Royal Thai Government, 1990. ISBN
+   Ministry of Industry, Royal Thai Government. ISBN
    <dt id="refsUAAG">[UAAG]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Web Content Accessibility
    Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0</a></cite>, J. Allan, K. Ford, J. Richards,
-   J. Spellman. W3C, July 2009.</dd>
+   J. Spellman. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsUNICODE">[UNICODE]</dt>
-   <dd><cite><a href="">The Unicode Standard</a></cite>. Unicode Consortium, 2007.</dd>
+   <dd><cite><a href="">The Unicode Standard</a></cite>. Unicode Consortium.</dd>
    <dt id="refsUNIVCHARDET">[UNIVCHARDET]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">A
    composite approach to language/encoding
-   detection</a></cite>, S. Li, K. Momoi. Netscape, September 2001. In
+   detection</a></cite>, S. Li, K. Momoi. Netscape. In
    <cite>Proceedings of the 19th International Unicode
    <dt id="refsUTF7">[UTF7]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">UTF-7: A
    Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode</a></cite>,
-   D. Goldsmith, M. Davis. IETF, May 1997.</dd>
+   D. Goldsmith, M. Davis. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsUTF8DET">[UTF8DET]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Multilingual
-   form encoding</a></cite>, M. D&uuml;rst. W3C, October 2007.</dd>
+   form encoding</a></cite>, M. D&uuml;rst. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsUTR36">[UTR36]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">UTR #36: Unicode
    Security Considerations</a></cite>, M. Davis, M. Suignard. Unicode
-   Consortium, July 2008.</dd>
+   Consortium.</dd>
    <dt id="refsWCAG">[WCAG]</dt>
    <dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">Web Content Accessibility
    Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0</a></cite>, B. Caldwell, M. Cooper, L. Reid,
-   G. Vanderheiden. W3C, December 2008.</dd>
+   G. Vanderheiden. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsWEBADDRESSES">[WEBADDRESSES]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Web
    addresses in HTML5</a></cite>, D. Connolly,
-   C. Sperberg-McQueen. March 2009.</dd>
+   C. Sperberg-McQueen.</dd>
    <dt id="refsWEBIDL">[WEBIDL]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Web
-   IDL</a></cite>, C. McCormack. W3C, December 2008.</dd>
+   IDL</a></cite>, C. McCormack. W3C.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Web
-   IDL</a></cite>, C. McCormack. W3C, July 2009.</dd>
+   IDL</a></cite>, C. McCormack. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsWEBLINK">[WEBLINK]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Web
-   Linking</a></cite>, M. Nottingham. IETF, July 2009.</dd>
+   Linking</a></cite>, M. Nottingham. IETF.</dd>
    <dt id="refsWHATWGWIKI">[WHATWGWIKI]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The WHATWG Wiki</a></cite>. WHATWG.</dd>
@@ -67459,10 +67447,10 @@
-   I. Hickson. W3C, April 2009.</dd>
+   I. Hickson. W3C.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Web
-   Workers</a></cite>, I. Hickson. W3C, September 2009.</dd>
+   Workers</a></cite>, I. Hickson. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsWIN1252">[WIN1252]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Windows 1252</a></cite>. Microsoft.</dd>
@@ -67484,41 +67472,36 @@
    X.690 &mdash; Information Technology &mdash; ASN.1 Encoding Rules &mdash;
    Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding
    Rules (CER), and Distinguished Encoding Rules
-   (DER)</a></cite>. International Telecommunication Union, July
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+   (DER)</a></cite>. International Telecommunication Union.</dd>
    <dt id="refsXHR">[XHR]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">The XMLHttpRequest
-   Object</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren. W3C, April
-   2008.</dd>
+   Object</a></cite>, A. van Kesteren. W3C.</dd>
    <dd><cite><a href=""><code>XMLHttpRequest</code></a></cite>,
-   A. van Kesteren. W3C, June 2009.</dd>
+   A. van Kesteren. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsXML">[XML]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Extensible Markup
    Language</a></cite>, T. Bray, J. Paoli, C. Sperberg-McQueen,
-   E. Maler, F. Yergeau. W3C, November 2008.</dd>
+   E. Maler, F. Yergeau. W3C.</dd>
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    <dd><cite><a href="">XML
-   Base</a></cite>, J. Marsh, R. Tobin. W3C, January 2009.</dd>
+   Base</a></cite>, J. Marsh, R. Tobin. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsXMLNS">[XMLNS]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">Namespaces in
-   XML</a></cite>, T. Bray, D. Hollander, A. Layman, R. Tobin. W3C,
-   August 2006.</dd>
+   XML</a></cite>, T. Bray, D. Hollander, A. Layman, R. Tobin. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsXPATH10">[XPATH10]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">XML Path
-   Language (XPath) Version 1.0</a></cite>, J. Clark, S. DeRose. W3C,
-   November 1999.</dd>
+   Language (XPath) Version 1.0</a></cite>, J. Clark, S. DeRose. W3C.</dd>
    <dt id="refsXSLT10">[XSLT10]</dt>
    <dd><cite><a href="">XSL
-   Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0</a></cite>, J. Clark. W3C,
-   November 1999.</dd>
+   Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0</a></cite>, J. Clark. W3C.</dd>
   </dl><h2 class="no-num" id="acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</h2><p class="XXX annotation"><b>Status: </b><i>Last call for comments</i></p><!-- ACKS --><p>Thanks to
@@ -68004,8 +67987,9 @@
   &Oslash;istein E. Andersen,
   for their useful comments, both large and small, that have led to
-  changes to this specification over the years.<p>Thanks also to everyone who has ever posted about HTML5 to their
-  blogs, public mailing lists, or forums, including the <a href="">W3C
+  changes to this specification over the years.<p>Thanks also to everyone who has ever posted about HTML5, the
+  WHATWG, and the W3C HTML WG to their blogs, public mailing lists, or
+  forums, including the <a href="">W3C
   public-html list</a> and the <a href="">various WHATWG lists</a>.
   <p>Special thanks to Richard Williamson for creating the first

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