html5/spec Overview.html,1.1573,1.1574

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c/p error (credit: mg) (whatwg r2402)

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1573
retrieving revision 1.1574
diff -u -d -r1.1573 -r1.1574
--- Overview.html	14 Nov 2008 02:55:42 -0000	1.1573
+++ Overview.html	14 Nov 2008 04:03:30 -0000	1.1574
@@ -14546,7 +14546,7 @@
   playing</dfn> when its <code title=dom-media-paused><a href=#dom-media-paused>paused</a></code>
   attribute is false, the <code title=dom-media-readyState><a href=#dom-media-readystate>readyState</a></code> attribute is either
   <code title=dom-media-HAVE_FUTURE_DATA><a href=#dom-media-have_future_data>HAVE_FUTURE_DATA</a></code> or
-  <code title=dom-media-HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA><a href=#dom-media-have_enough_data>HAVE_FUTURE_DATA</a></code>,
+  <code title=dom-media-HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA><a href=#dom-media-have_enough_data>HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA</a></code>,
   the element has not <a href=#ended-playback>ended playback</a>, playback has not
   <a href=#stopped-due-to-errors>stopped due to errors</a>, and the element has not
   <a href=#paused-for-user-interaction>paused for user interaction</a>.<p>A <a href=#media-element>media element</a> is said to have <dfn id=ended-playback>ended
@@ -43623,26 +43623,27 @@
   Stachowiak, Magnus Kristiansen<!-- Dashiva -->, Malcolm Rowe, Mark
   Nottingham, Mark Rowe<!--bdash-->, Mark Schenk, Martijn Wargers,
   Martin Atkins, Martin D&uuml;rst, Martin Honnen, Masataka Yakura,
-  Mathieu Henri, Matthew Mastracci, Matthew Raymond, Matthew Thomas,
-  Mattias Waldau, Max Romantschuk, Michael 'Ratt' Iannarelli, Michael
-  A. Nachbaur, Michael A. Puls II<!--Shadow2531-->, Michael Carter,
-  Michael Gratton, Michael Nordman, Michael Powers, Michael(tm) Smith,
-  Michel Fortin, Michiel van der Blonk, Mihai &#350;ucan<!-- from
-  ROBO Design -->, Mike Brown, Mike Dierken<!-- S. Mike Dierken -->,
-  Mike Dixon, Mike Schinkel, Mike Shaver, Mikko Rantalainen, Neil
-  Deakin, Neil Soiffer, Olaf Hoffmann, Olav Junker Kj&aelig;r, Oliver
-  Hunt, Peter Karlsson, Peter Kasting, Philip J&auml;genstedt, Philip
-  Taylor, Philip TAYLOR<!-- a different one -->, Rachid Finge, Rajas
-  Moonka, Ralf Stoltze, Ralph Giles, Raphael Champeimont, Rene
-  Saarsoo, Richard Ishida, Rimantas Liubertas, Robert Blaut, Robert
-  O'Callahan, Robert Sayre, Roman Ivanov, Ryan King, S. Mike Dierken,
-  Sam Ruby, Sam Weinig, Scott Hess, Sean Knapp, Shaun Inman, Silvia
-  Pfeiffer, Simon Pieters, Stefan Haustein, Steffen Meschkat, Stephen
-  Ma, Steve Faulkner, Steve Runyon, Steven Garrity, Stewart Brodie,
-  Stuart Parmenter, Sunava Dutta, Tantek &Ccedil;elik, Terrence Wood,
-  Thomas Broyer, Thomas O'Connor, Tim Altman, Tim Johansson, Travis
-  Leithead, Tyler Close, Vladimir Vuki&#263;evi&#263;, Wakaba,
-  Wayne Pollock, Wellington Fernando de Macedo, William Swanson, Yi-An
+  Mathieu Henri, Matthew Gregan, Matthew Mastracci, Matthew Raymond,
+  Matthew Thomas, Mattias Waldau, Max Romantschuk, Michael 'Ratt'
+  Iannarelli, Michael A. Nachbaur, Michael A. Puls
+  II<!--Shadow2531-->, Michael Carter, Michael Gratton, Michael
+  Nordman, Michael Powers, Michael(tm) Smith, Michel Fortin, Michiel
+  van der Blonk, Mihai &#350;ucan<!-- from ROBO Design -->, Mike
+  Brown, Mike Dierken<!-- S. Mike Dierken -->, Mike Dixon, Mike
+  Schinkel, Mike Shaver, Mikko Rantalainen, Neil Deakin, Neil Soiffer,
+  Olaf Hoffmann, Olav Junker Kj&aelig;r, Oliver Hunt, Peter Karlsson,
+  Peter Kasting, Philip J&auml;genstedt, Philip Taylor, Philip
+  TAYLOR<!-- a different one -->, Rachid Finge, Rajas Moonka, Ralf
+  Stoltze, Ralph Giles, Raphael Champeimont, Rene Saarsoo, Richard
+  Ishida, Rimantas Liubertas, Robert Blaut, Robert O'Callahan, Robert
+  Sayre, Roman Ivanov, Ryan King, S. Mike Dierken, Sam Ruby, Sam
+  Weinig, Scott Hess, Sean Knapp, Shaun Inman, Silvia Pfeiffer, Simon
+  Pieters, Stefan Haustein, Steffen Meschkat, Stephen Ma, Steve
+  Faulkner, Steve Runyon, Steven Garrity, Stewart Brodie, Stuart
+  Parmenter, Sunava Dutta, Tantek &Ccedil;elik, Terrence Wood, Thomas
+  Broyer, Thomas O'Connor, Tim Altman, Tim Johansson, Travis Leithead,
+  Tyler Close, Vladimir Vuki&#263;evi&#263;, Wakaba, Wayne
+  Pollock, Wellington Fernando de Macedo, William Swanson, Yi-An
   Huang, and &Oslash;istein E. Andersen, for their useful and
   substantial comments.<p>Thanks also to everyone who has ever posted about HTML5 to their
   blogs, public mailing lists, or forums, including the <a href=>W3C

Received on Friday, 14 November 2008 04:03:43 UTC