Re: Alarm: Style rules may change semantic part of an HTML document.

Indeed. In order to mark up edits, either use <s> element (stating that the
content is not up to date), which is rendered as a strikethrough even in
absence of author-made CSS, or use <ins>/<del> with @datetime so you can
state both what the sentence looked like before the edit and what it says
after, along with the edit date.
Styles that strongly affect the document (e.g. strikethrough, display:none
etc.) with no proper semantic reason and with no semantic
elements/attributes to support them should probably be avoided.

2015-03-26 12:49 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Garbee <>:

> Style rules do not affect semantics of the document. This is why there is
> separation between them.
> The '<s>' element should be used to mark a piece of content up as no
> longer relevant. The default style of this is a strikethrough. If you are
> doing a strikethrough via CSS with spans or some other setup, then clearly
> the information is still relevant since the document would state that.
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 7:36 AM, Cyril <> wrote:
>> Dear Olivier El Mekki,
>> Thank you for your prompt response. I think that everything is all right
>> in your suggestion except one nuance -- the word “not” become a part of the
>> style. Is it really correct? Is not here a danger to transfer eventually
>> all HTML to style sheet?
>> Best regards,
>> Cyril.

Received on Thursday, 26 March 2015 12:19:36 UTC