Re: HTML5 New Feature: CANVAS as a FORM INPUT

What would the format of submitted data be?  A JPEG or PNG?  A set of 
the native canvas commands that were used to create the image?  Or those 
commands converted into SVG, postscript, or pdf?

People can already write javascript (or whatever) to allow a user to 
draw on a canvas, and store the data in some hidden form field.  So this 
can be accomplished right now.  At a glance, that makes standardization 
seem unnecessary.

Incidentally, there was an experiment in the early nineties with 
something called scribble or jot (or both) which allowed users to make 
drawings and submit them.  It obviously failed to become a standard, and 
there's no signs of it left on the web that I can see.


On 10/29/12 6:08 AM, Shai Manor wrote:
> Dear HTML5 Specification Team,
> We live in a touchable world. Tablets, smartphones, touch-enabled monitors.
> We should be able to use the CANVAS as a FORM INPUT so that users can
> literally "digitally sign" with a stylus or a finger, and that signature
> should be stored either as an image in the user's account or sent to the
> "requester" through a FORM ACTION.
> The concept is simple, taking forms to the next level and enabling
> user-generated input.
> Best Regards,
> *
> *
> *
> Shai Manor*
> E-mail: <>

Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2012 16:26:26 UTC