Contributions to HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives

Dear Srs.

Follow my contributions to the document *HTML5: Techniques for providing 
useful text alternatives*

Best Regards
Reinaldo Ferraz

*Examples of scenarios where users benefit from text alternatives for 
- They have problems to load images or the source of image is wrong

Question: In the *Example 2.5*, is it possible to use Image maps 
<map></map> to create alternatives and to put ALT inside of each <area> tag?

Removing the link *Providing a text alternative that is not null. (e.g., 
alt="spacer" or alt="image") for images that should be ignored by 
assistive technology [WCAG20-TECHS]*. In that way, it would made users 
confused about the meaning (if the user doesnt click on the link)

In the *Example 6.4*, I consider important a short description to the 
image. Itīs important even for a blind person or somebody who cannot 
load images perceive that there is an image with a purpose: create a 
medieval atmosphere to the webpage. I disagree that the image with 
description is only related to the blind or low vision webpage. The link 
example shows the users preference


I belive that *3.11 A group of images that form a single larger picture 
with and without links* is not necessary. the same situation is been 
using at the examples *Example 1.1* and *Example 1.2*

Received on Thursday, 2 June 2011 09:33:30 UTC