Re: form name attribute values

> > 1. There is the RDFa "about" attribute for that sort
> of use.
> noted, but on form submit that gets lost surely, of primary
> concern is
> to be able to use (and submit) typed names and values -
> this would be a
> huge time saver in a linked-data rdfa world and also allow
> for lots of
> nice functionality on the client side (form auto-completion
> etc).
> regardless of fondness of syntax, is it valid?

It's valid, as Philip Taylor noted.

I certainly like that better than holding session state data in <meta> tags, which is what happens on now.  I've always thought that linked data  meta data should be both displayed (not just exposed) and formally a Citation, a reference to that which is written, (with style a separate issue).
> aside: perhaps for off-list discussion, are there other
> approaches?

If the 'form auto-completion' is the (correctly spelled and) qualified  element CURIE, I'm in :)


Received on Friday, 30 April 2010 18:01:59 UTC