Re: Silently deprecating XHTML

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> Then use XHTML5 with the proper media type.

Not "visible with any browser" => showstopper.

> XHTML 1.x as text/html didn't have this feature either.

Of course it has, I use XHTML validators to find bugs,
not browsers desperately trying to display something.

> Netscape 3 is sort of irrelevant at this point.

It could also affect 4.x (for those poor confused
folks thinking that 4.x was "better" than 3.x ;-), at
some point in time <br /> and friends were important
enough to be mentioned in the notorious "appendix C".

Clearly HTML5 has better things to do than to worry
about such historical issues, but just allowing <br/>
"also" in HTML when it never really worked in XHTML 1
is a rather odd move.  Why can't they simply use <br>
in HTML 1+, visible with any browser ?

> (I know you used it until the summer of 2007 :-))

I'd use it still today, an unvoluntary "upgrade" :-(
Now I'm unfortunately already spoiled.


Received on Monday, 28 January 2008 12:52:27 UTC