from October 2008 by subject

[Bug 5758] insufficient accessibility fallback for <audio> or <video>

[Bug 5964] getting width/height on <embed>, <iframe>, <object> and <video>

[Bug 5979] unclear whether new Audio(url) should throw

[Bug 6033] Forms section

[Bug 6035] Process appcache feedback

[Bug 6057] in the audio portion of the spec, at the end of it mentions "If the src argument is present..." but the example given calls it the argument 'url'

[Bug 6099] Process notification feedback

[Bug 6100] Process postMessage feedback

[Bug 6101] media elements - ready states - events should be async

[Bug 6103] video section editorial issues

[Bug 6104] <video> and <audio> should prevent cross-origin media loads

[Bug 6127] Deal with origin details in WebSocket and postMessage feedback

[Bug 6132] New: No whitespace before "<!DOCTYPE HTML" in content sniffing

[Bug 6143] New: Linkify "pending external script"

[Bug 6145] New: Label content model should allow <label for=a><input id=a>

[Bug 6153] New: Process <eventsource> feedback

[Bug 6153] Process <eventsource> feedback

[Bug 6176] New: Process WebSocket feedback

[Bug 6177] New: Process Workers feedback

[Bug 6181] New: Process table feedback (including headers='" issue)

[Bug 6182] New: WebIDL - strokeStyle and fillStyle should be of type 'any' not 'DOMObject'

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 October 2008 18:58:35 UTC