Re: REMINDER: WG Decision: Return DOM4 to Last Call

Hi all,

Paul wrote:
>> As stated in the Last Call WD, the HTML WG plans to take this
>> specification directly to Proposed Recommendation status when the Last
>> Call review is completed.

Boris replied:

> This draft contains things that not only don't have two interoperable
> implementations but have no implementations at all, as far as I can
> tell (e.g. ParentNode.query).

Oof, yeah, that does sound like a problem. And it doesn't look like it
was marked at risk. Actually, it doesn't look like anything is marked at

> What's the current state of the test suite and UAs passing it?  The
> draft talks about this being a requirement for entering PR (in the usual
> way), but I simply don't see how that's possible at the moment given the
> obvious lack of implementations mentioned above. I wasn't sure pointing
> this out needed explicit last call comments, but maybe it does.
> And, of course, there are the remaining open issues that are called out
> in the draft (Document stuff and createElement issues) and for which it
> also didn't seem like additional last call comments were needed since
> the issues are longstanding and well-known.

Agreed; participants shouldn't need to reiterate existing, well-known
issues that are already called out in the document.

Received on Wednesday, 13 May 2015 20:47:15 UTC