On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Jet Villegas W3C <w3c@junglecode.net>wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 9:15 AM, Glenn Adams <glenn@skynav.com> wrote:
>> I'm not sure how we can do better than EME/CDM at the current time. We
>> aren't going to define a universally acceptable, fully PAS defined CP
>> system any time soon (if ever), and I highly doubt anyone else is either.
>> However, if and when someone does so, then we could add it as a second
>> mandatory CDM in a newer version of EME, along side the existing, and
>> admittedly inadequate ClearKey CDM.
>> Or do you have some concrete ideas about how to do this better?
> There's a concrete idea: a universally acceptable, fully PAS defined CP
> system. I don't see anyone outside this group to be capable of building
> that, and be able to reach consensus on such a system. I realize that
> current CP systems in wide use have significant "black magic" to obfuscate
> by entropy, but I don't think it's impossible to create a publicly
> available implementation here.
Sure, it's a great idea. Cox would love to see something like this, if only
that it would eliminate a fair part of the argument we've been seeing on
this issue. However, such a system doesn't exist yet, and we can't predict
if or when it will. In the mean time, Cox and others have legacy CP systems
to support, and a real need to support them in the currently defined HTML5
Suggesting that a perfect, open CDM is possible is no reason to object to
deploying EME as specified and based on non-perfect, partially open CDMs.
At least AFAIC. To quote Voltaire, *Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien., i.e.,
the perfect is the enemy of the good.*