Thoughts on issue 360

In the call today, the group agreed that it is important for the Media A11Y
Requirements to include a requirement that when media is recorded, the
alternate formats must also be recorded.  This is implied by issue 360.

Issue 360 suggests that this requirement be added as a DV- (Described
video).  The group discussed adding it as a KA- requirement (Keyboard
Accessibility).  In looking at the document, I actually disagree with both
of those placements.  We have a section on "Discovery and
activation/deactivation of of available alternative content by the user".
 I feel that this is the appropriate section to discuss a requirement that
such available alternative content be recorded along with the primary
content when recording is available and the user selects to record.

I am going to proceed along these lines.  If anyone objects, please speak

Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 18:18:57 UTC