Re: HTML A11y Bug triage meetings

On 5/16/13 12:03 PM, Léonie Watson wrote:
> Bug triage,
> We currently meet on Wednesdays at 2pm GMT (9am EDT, 3pm CET). I know 
> this time isn’t good for everyone in the newly extended bug triage 
> team though.
> Could you suggest a range of times on Wednesdays when you’d be able to 
> schedule a 60 minute call? We need to avoid 5pm GMT (12pm EDT, 6pm 
> CET) because the Protocols and Formats (PF) Working Group meets at 
> that time.
I can do 3PM, 6PM, and 9PM GMT, which I believe to be 10AM, 1PM and 4PM EDT.

> Léonie.
> -- 
> Carpe diem.

Received on Thursday, 16 May 2013 16:25:17 UTC