Thursday 17 April, A11y Task Force teleconference Agenda

Dear all, note that European and US time zones are in their normal
alignment. Other countries should be aware the teleconferences are now on
Boston Summer Time.

Teleconference on 18 April 2013 at 15:00Z for 60 minutes

Meeting: HTML A11y TF
Chair: Steve
agenda+ Identify scribe
agenda+ bug triage subteam Bugs
agenda+ longdesc resolutions

agenda+ Updated longdesc
agenda+ TF Publication Process
agenda+ Upcoming HTML & PF F2F
agenda+ Actions Review
agenda+ Subteam Reports?
agenda+ Other Business
agenda+ be done

details of bug triage agenda item:

There are bugs that were originally filed against HTMLWG in Bugzilla and
given the a11ytf keyword, but which have now been allocated to different
products. For example SVG (13648, 13649) and CSS (11328, 11329). Presumably
we should remove the a11ytf keyword and notify PF of this?

Bug 9280 was moved to the WHATWG product, then marked Resolved Later. We’re
going to start processing all bugs in this state on the bug triage call
later today, but we’re not sure what the protocol is for bugs moving to the
WHATWG product?

Bug 21563 references the removal of hgroup from the spec. We didn’t feel
that the TF needed to track this bug, but wondered whether the TF did want
to take another look at solving the underlying problem?
Bug 7384 (Empty alt should not imply role=”presentation” if <img> has
@usemap). Does the TF want to track this one?

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Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 21:59:40 UTC