Publication process...

Hi folks,

I put something resembling the following into the Wiki[1] as the
publication steps for the task force:

0. Agreement from the TF to start work on the deliverable

1. Start work in the HTML a11y task force
       Add the deliverable to

2. Make sure to report progress to HTML a11y, HTMLWG, PFWG.

3. When ready, start a CfC in the HTML a11y tf
       and send fyi to HTML and PF Working Groups

4. Make sure to address all issues raised within the Task Force.

5. TF issues a decision. If it is to publish go to next step.
       Otherwise, go back to 2/3.

6. Send a request to HTML and PF Working groups to issue CFCs for
       publication, pointing to the documentation of the decision and
       resolution of issues (if there were any)

7. HTMLWG and PFWG Call for Consensus to publish the document

8. If there is opposition during one of those CfCs based on new
       information, that HTML or PFWG chairs decide needs to be resolved
       before publication, return to steps 2/3. Otherwise go to next step.
       (Objections based on issues already resolved in the TF need new
       information to sustain them)

9. Once HTMLWG and PFWG have consensus to publish, work with HTML
       Working Group Team Contact for the publication, and WAI for
       announcement. Note the Status of the doc needs to make it clear
       it is a joint deliverable of HTMLWG and PFWG.


Since it might not be correct, feel free to raise a comment on anything
you think needs to be fixed.



Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex         Find more at

Received on Tuesday, 26 March 2013 18:45:24 UTC