A longer description feature that vendors could accept (Was: 48-Hour Consensus Call: InstateLongdesc CP Update)

(Including James in the discussion.)

Sam Ruby, Wed, 19 Sep 2012 07:25:10 -0400:
> On 09/19/2012 05:28 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
>> Maciej Stachowiak, Mon, 17 Sep 2012 15:48:01 -0700:
>>> Unfortunately, the conversation still seems to be on
>>> mandate-or-no-mandate rather than engagement in crafting a solution.
>> Sam hinted at that there could be a solution that vendors would be
>> willing to implement.
> I am indeed optimistic. [ snip ]

I'm happy to hear that. (Really!)

>> I'll note that your negativity towards @longdesc irrespective of
>> "implementation ideas" is a point which, to me, does not support Sam's
>> positive outline. Unless what your are willing to implement is so
>> different from the ideas, then I would have expected a "yes, but with
>> another name" or "yes, but we would have to implement it differently".
>> (And then a description of the method.)
> Please recognize that Maciej and I aspire to satisfy the following:
>   http://www.w3.org/Guide/chair-roles
> I encourage you to seek out other representatives from Apple to 
> pursue this question.  And to find ways to include representatives 
> from other major browser vendors in this discussion.

James, you recently said that aria-describedAT could be at risk in ARIA 
1.1 because it was the only feature that required  new things from the 
browser level. But you were also positive about the feature - may be 
fore ARIA 2.0 then? Sam said:

  ]] I do believe that a solution for these problems can be 
     specified in a matter of months and demonstrably conforming
     public implementations could be produced in a matter of 
     months after that. [[

Do you, James, share this view w.r.t. Safari and VoiceOver for 
instance? (I don't know when ARIA 2.0 could be due, for instance.)

To all: Moving it over to ARIA, I think Maciej's concern about MUST 
level requirement to make it available to all would be solved. However, 
I think it would not hinder 'special' browsers like iCab from 
implementing also this new attribute as a contextual menu feature. 

Speaking about deprecation: There are some features that are considered 
obsolete but conforming. But may be we could make longdesc fully 
conforming - for <img> elements - provided there were a aria-feature on 
the same image?
leif halvard silli

Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2012 11:50:48 UTC