Re: 48-Hour Consensus Call: InstateLongdesc CP Update

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Joshue O Connor
<> wrote:
>> I did not have time too look through it, but those I looked at either
>> contained only a "#" or they contained (another) image file. With
>> regard to the first (#) then I agree "misinformed" about the potential
>> negative effect. With regard to image URLs inside @longdesc, then there
>> are image light box solutions - libraries - that  more or less
>> consciously makes incorrect use of longdesc. (Today they would perhaps
>> picked at @data-foo attribute instead - but that was not 'valid' then.)
>> Of the few I scanned, no one contained text.
> Yikes, maybe it is the former Silvia. Thanks for doing that Leif. It does
> therefore sound like an inappropriate sample population or at least
> partially so.

How does the reason why longdesc was misused make it in an
inappropriate sample population for client software developers trying
to make a decision about whether to expose longdesc via UI to their

(My problem with these approaches to sampling is that randomly
sampling the web corpus doesn't match the pattern of usage by typical
users, it just tells you about long tail effects, so the relationship
with user impact is unclear.)

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2012 10:12:16 UTC