The latest InstateLongDesc CP effectively contains MUST-level UA conformance criteria

Hi folks,

I wanted to point out for the record that the latest version of the InstateLongdesc Change Prroposal effectively includes mandatory, MUST-level conformance criteria for the conformance class "Visual user agents that support the suggested default rendering".

Note that this section:

Now requires these changes to the Rendering section, which include a number of new "expected" statements:

According to the HTML5 spec, implementations meeting the conformance class "Visual user agents that support the suggested default rendering" must implement all "expected" behavior in the Rendering section:

Two questions:

(1) Is this addition of mandatory UA conformance criteria intentional? I imagine not, since I suspect folks were not aware of that aspect of the "conformance classes" section and I still see claims that this Change Proposal requires zero implementation effort.
(2) Are browser vendors willing to implement these requirements?


Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2012 03:47:43 UTC