Re: additional sentence for 204

Leif Halvard Silli, Mon, 17 Sep 2012 22:40:25 +0200:

> ]]
>  Note: Only hidden="" elements that are referenced indirectly by a 
>  unique identifier (ID) reference or valid hash-name reference may 
>  have their structure and content exposed upon user request.<zzz>Note
>  that  this functionality means that the only certain way to prevent 
>  user-initiated viewing of hidden="" elements is to remove the 
>  identifier (ID) or hash-name reference to the element in question.
>  </zzz>
> [[

Hm - I am not satisfied with my own text there. Retry:

If an author would like to prevent all user-initiated viewing of 
hidden="" elements, a removal of the identifier (ID) or the hash-name 
reference would be necessary. But note that such a removal in some 
cases also has semantic side-effects for the element from which it is 
removed. For example if a @usemap attribute was removed, the 
<code>object</code> or <code>img</code> element from which it was 
removed, would change from interactive content to a normal graphic.

Leif H Silli

Received on Monday, 17 September 2012 21:43:00 UTC