Re: My case for the obsoletion of longdesc (Was: 48-Hour Consensus Call: InstateLongdesc CP Update)

On 09/15/2012 11:22 AM, Laura Carlson wrote:
> The HTML Chairs control the timetable.

The last status I heard from you is that the TF needs more time[1].  In 
your opinion, is that now complete?  The last input I heard from Judy is 
that this is not, but is a matter of a few days away.  In fact, I 
believe that this very consensus call is a part of that process?

Let me know if you feel otherwise.

Additionally we have holds that we need to resolve from both the 
Interaction Domain lead and the Director himself.  The chairs met F2F 
with Tim, Jeff, PLH, and Judy yesterday (Janina, Mike, and Robin were on 
the phone for parts of this meeting).

The HTML WG chairs intend to meet again with Judy and Janina on Monday.

- Sam Ruby


Received on Saturday, 15 September 2012 16:00:35 UTC