Please put in interim text for the ISSUE-204 statement about exposing semantics of hidden content

The HTML WG Chairs have reviewed the discussion so far on the proposed replacement text for ISSUE-204, in consultation with the Chair of PFWG and our respective Domain Leads.

While there is continuing constructive discussion over the details, we note that no one has identified this text as worse than what is in the current HTML5 Editor's Draft, and many consider it a considerable improvement, even if imperfect in some details. We believe it would be superior to have this text in place as a basis for further discussion, and to ensure that any upcoming heartbeat drafts are more agreeable.

Therefore, we request that the HTML5 Editors (most likely Ted) apply the text identified in the following email as soon as possible:

This text would be interim, and discussion on the details and incremental refinement can continue on its own pace.

(On behalf of all three HTML WG Chairs)

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 18:45:37 UTC