Re: [media] change proposals for issue-152

Sylvia wrote (sorry if formatting messes up - copied from archives)...

So, I think it would probably be better if instead we recommend that
if you wanted to use in-band tracks, you should use media fragment
addressing, such as:

    <!-- in-band german sign language track -->
    <video id="v3" timeline="v1" kind="signing" srclang="gsg"
label="German Sign Language">
      <source src=“video.webm#track=video_gsg” type=”video/webm”>
      <source src=“video.mp4#track=video_gsg” type=”video/mp4”>

What do people think?

This is fine for addressing and controlling in-band tracks, but how do I *discover* them in the first place. I need to get a list of the tracks and their kinds and names so that I can decide what choices to offer the user (assuming I am providing my own controls).


Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2011 23:03:44 UTC