Re: Change proposal for @summary 2011

Thanks Laura. Great suggestions. Am swamped right now, so everybit helps. 

I shall tweak. Etc



----- Reply message -----
From: "Laura Carlson" <>
To: "Joshue O Connor" <>
Cc: "HTML Accessibility Task Force" <>, "Vlad Alexander" <>
Subject: Change proposal for @summary 2011
Date: Wed, Jul 6, 2011 13:02

Hi Josh,

Thanks for your work on this. A few suggestions:

* Review the "Writing a Change Proposal" section of the decision
policy [1]. Make sure that the text that you have written for the
required four components of a Change Proposal are in line with the
definitions for them. They currently don't seem to be. For instance
consider changing the details section of the new summary proposal to
take the form of a set of specific edit instructions or better yet
provide HTML5 spec text so that it cannot be misinterpreted. The
current Impact and Details sections seem more fitted for the Rationale

* Per the reopening section of decision policy [2] specifically point
out what material in the proposal is new information relevant to the
Chairs initial decision. Their table summary decision [3] gave three
examples of new information that would be acceptable. They were:
identification of specific use cases, first hand statements from
authors of development tools, and identification of specific
operational problems with the aria-describedby. Does this new proposal
address any of those? If so, say so in no uncertain terms. If not,
state what is new. If the proposal doesn't have new information, HTML
ISSUE-32: table-summary is unlikely to be reopened.

*  Vlad Alexander is an author of a development tool who provides a
first hand statement in a new blog post [4]. This is new information
which could help to reopen the issue and reinstate @summary. Consider
using this evidence.

* If there is a use case for extending @summary [4] to provide a
verbose table description consider longdesc.

* It seems that the table summary proposal was placed on the existing
"Category:Table Summary" page. The directory for HTML change proposals
Consider add yours there.
The index page is:

Hope some of this helps.

Best Regards,


Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2011 12:34:11 UTC