Re: Proof of growth of acceptance/implementation - longdesc

On 22 Sep 2010, at 08:21, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
> He landed on this solution _after_ he had discussed with Ian. That is 
> not to say that Ian recommended him to use @longdesc. But I suspect 
> that if HTML5 had been clear on @longdesc, then there is a chance that 
> message had had an impact.
> Drew's example really has to be looked away from when the chairs 
> eventually are re-evaluating the case: Any increase in misuse of 
> @longdesc is partly happening because of our, the HTMLwg's - lack of 
> will to define @longdesc.

This seems like a bad example of that.

The current draft makes "longdesc" non-conforming and, unusually, the HTML WG has explicitly endorsed this with a WG decision.

People attempting HTML5 conformance would be avoiding "longdesc", not using or abusing it.

As your example shows, when it comes to producing an HTML5 conforming version, Drew will be
using "data-*" not "longdesc".

Rejecting "longdesc" acts as a deterrent to implementation. It certainly does not provide guidance to help implementors make more "correct" implementations. But it should (and apparently does in this case) act as a weak deterrent to misuse.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 09:51:16 UTC