RE: Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 1 September at 22:00Z

Not really limiting, but I don't find the attributes on the cue structure of much use from TTML. I think it would make much more sense if the cue API were defined in terms of HTML fragments for reading (and writing if we are supporting that).

It would make much more sense to me if timed text formats were to map into HTML fragment based cues and CSS styling.

From: Silvia Pfeiffer []
Sent: 02 September 2010 00:47
To: Sean Hayes
Cc: Janina Sajka; HTML Accessibility Task Force
Subject: Re: Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 1 September at 22:00Z

Hi Sean,

I think this is a really interesting document.

Have you come to any points where you thought that the current specifications that are in the WHATWG draft are limiting what you'd want to achieve with TTML?


On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 4:44 AM, Sean Hayes <<>> wrote:
In advance of my presentation of TTML, I've been working on how mapping of TTML to HTML 5 might look. This is not quite finished; but illustrates a few key points that probably aren't widely understood. If we can squeeze onto the agenda today I can walk through it a bit.

-----Original Message-----
From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Janina Sajka
Sent: 01 September 2010 00:57
To: HTML Accessibility Task Force
Subject: Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 1 September at 22:00Z

* Time of day conversions

You can check for the correct time of this meeting in your time zone using the Fixed Time Clock at:

** preliminary agenda for HTML-A11Y Media Subteam Telecon 1 September 2010

Meeting: HTML-A11Y telecon
Chair:  Janina_Sajka
agenda: this
agenda+ Identify Scribe
agenda+ Actions Review
agenda+ User Requirements: Status; Intro at HTML-WG Telecon Thursday
agenda+ Proof of Concept Demos; Extended Descriptions from NCAM
agenda+ Technical Requirements Prioritizations and Dependencies
agenda+Candidate Technologies: WebSRT; WMML; TTML; SMIL3; Etc.
agenda+ next meeting
agenda+ be done

** Resource: Previous Teleconference Minutes
Media Subteam:

** Resource: Key Task Force URIs
Task Force Wiki:
User Requirements:
Consensus Procedures:
Work Statement:

** conference infrastructure access information a.k.a. dial-in  instructions


2010-09-01, 22:00Z (for 90 minutes)
Dial the Zakim bridge at one of the following three telephone numbers:
+1.617.761.6200 (This is a U.S. number).
+ (This is a French number)
+44.203.318.0479 (This is a UK number)
You should be prompted for a pass code,
this is

IRC: server:<>, port: 6665, channel: #html-a11y.

During the conference you can manage your participation with Zakim commands as follows:
  61# to mute yourself
  60# to unMute yourself
  41# to raise your hand (enter speaking queue)
  40# to lower your hand (exit speaking queue)

The system acknowledges these commands with a rapid, three-tone confirmation.  Mobile phone users especially should use the mute function if they don't have a mute function in their phone.  But the hand-raising function is a good idea for anyone not using IRC.

* IRC access

    There will also be an IRC channel available. The server is<>,
    the port number is 6665 (note this is not the normal default) and the channel is #html-a11y.

* Gregory Rosmaita's scribing and participation tips

For more on the IRC setup and the robots we use for agenda and speaker queuing and for posting the log to the web, see:

- for RRSAgent, that captures and posts the log with special attention to action items:

- for Zakim, the IRC interface to the bridge manager, that will maintain speaker and agenda queues:

- for a Web gateway to IRC you can use if your network administrators forbid IRC, see:

- for more on W3C use of IRC see:


Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com

Chair, Open Accessibility<>
Linux Foundation      

Chair, Protocols & Formats
Web Accessibility Initiative
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 2 September 2010 16:32:08 UTC