Re: UAAG 2.0 guidelines for video

On May 4, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Janina Sajka wrote:

> Silvia Pfeiffer writes:
>> Correction to my previous email:
>> The HTML5 media elements already have an attribute to control the playback rate:
>>           attribute float defaultPlaybackRate;
>> (see
> Well, since we're a W3C working group, I think we're looking at:
> Glad to see it's there, but not sure whether it's complete per the UAWG
> requirements:
> *	I don't see a supported range. UAWG wanted .5 to 2.0, which is
> *	not particularly large.
> *	I also believe we have a requirement for maintaining pitch
> *	during the time-scale modification. Perhaps that's what the
> *	editor's drft means when it says "monotonically," though I'm not
> *	sure that's the best terminology.
> In my opinion this will be an important feature for I18N as well as A11Y
> support. For instance, anyone listening to content not in their native
> language will doubtless discover enhanced comprehension by reducing
> playback rate--provided pitch is maintained and no negative artifacts
> are produced by the transformation.
  I don't think we will be able to make pitch correction a MUST requirement as it is *extremely* computationally expensive and will likely not be possible - at all - on all supported hardware configurations.


Received on Wednesday, 5 May 2010 04:04:37 UTC