Alt change proposal based on WAI CG advice for HTMLWG Issue 31: Rationale needed. (was FIGCAPTION, @alt, and @labelledby: 3 issues)

Hi Steve and all,

On 7/9/10, Steven Faulkner wrote to Gregory Rosmaita:

> In the 'WAI CG Consensus Resolutions on Text alternatives in HTML 5'
> document it was agreed that for HTML5 conformance:
> <img> is only valid when at least one of the following is true:
>    - @alt is present (empty or non-empty) *OR*
>    - @aria-labelledby is present (non-empty only) *OR*
>    - the <img> is located within a <figure> that has a non-empty
>    <figcaption>* OR*
>    - @role="presentation"
> The above has been around for a year or so and has been discussed, and I was
> under the impression that you were involved in the discussions that resulted
> in the consensus doc.
> Is what laura has proposed substantially different to the consensus doc or
> have you changed your views on it?

As you illuminate the change proposal that I drafted, "Replace img
Guidance for Conformance Checkers" [1] is based on WAI CGs advice [2]
and is an HTML Accessibility Task Force Recommendation [3] [4].

What we need for it to be a viable consideration in the HTML Working
Group decision on the alt issue is rationale provided for
role="presentation" and aria-labelled. (Janina had asked me to add
aria-labelled to the proposal back in April [5], which I did [6].)

Maciej has said [7] what we have provided for rationale [8] in the
change proposal is insufficient. He has removed the proposal [1] from
the Change Proposal Status table [9] for consideration in the decision
on HTML Issue 31 missing alt [10].

Steve, do you or does anyone else have suggestions for text to add to
the document which would delineate justification for aria-labelled and
role="presentation"? I have also copied Loretta and Gregg on this
email in case they have suggestions for role="presentation" and
aria-labelled rationale. They both significantly contributed to the
WAI CG Consensus Resolutions on Text alternatives in HTML 5.

I believe the deadline to update the alt proposals is July 15. Maciej
is this correct?

Again, I would be delighted to update the rationale text for this
change proposal. It would enable it to be considered, as it no longer
seems to be a candidate in the offering. If anyone has suggested text
for rationale section of the change proposal [1] please do let me know
as soon as possible.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,


Received on Friday, 9 July 2010 12:47:39 UTC