Is the summary survey still open?

Hi Michael, Janina, and Mike,

The summary survey was  to have been closed February 25. Maciej's last
response is February 26. Is the survey still open? If it is still open
people may want to reconsider their responses, seeing that there has
been further discussion on the subject [1].

If the current survey is closed to updating responses, I would like to
request that we have another table summary survey.

Surveys can be difficult to design. Something to consider to help
prevent bias, might be to have response categories evened out over a
Likert type of scale [2]. Likert-scale questions can be good for
measuring the degree of respondents' feelings or attitudes about

I suggest that not only proposal editors, but interested group members
have the opportunity for input into the survey questions.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Friday, 26 February 2010 10:41:03 UTC