Re: a11y TF CfC on resolution to support "Media Text Associations" change proposal for HTML issue 9

On 4/6/10 6:31 AM, "Eric Carlson" <> wrote:

On Apr 6, 2010, at 11:13 AM, Geoff Freed wrote:

Ditto here:  captions and controls should never cover or come into contact with each other.  It's of lesser importance whether the captions and controls move to avoid covering each other, or if the captions and controls remain in fixed and separate regions.  For an example of the latter, see any captioned video at <> ; for the former (in addition to Silvia's example), download Hulu desktop at .

 I agree that controls should not cover captions, but I don't think we *can* describe exactly how to handle the situation when they do. For example what should happen when a UA uses a movable, "HUD style", controller?

Are you sure we can't describe the ideal or mandatory behavior, that captions and controls should never conflict?  If not, why?


Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 10:42:17 UTC