Re: timing model of the media resource in HTML5

On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 23:37:42 +0100, Frank Olivier <>  

> After discussing it on our side - we agree that not having multiple
> element synchronization in this version of the spec is a good idea.
> As for captions: if captions are stylable via page css, what happens
> if the caption format itself specifies styling? Also, imo the user
> should be able to override page-specified styling, as they might
> prefer their own styling.

In my opinion, the styling of the captions format should be mapped to the  
equivalent CSS and act as if it were applied on each caption, thus  
overriding conflicting style on the <overlay> element. If this doesn't  
work for some more complex caption formats I suggest that CSS simply be  
ignored. Certainly user CSS could be applied, just as it can for any  
content on any page.

Philip Jägenstedt
Core Developer
Opera Software

Received on Friday, 27 November 2009 22:47:59 UTC