Re: Introductions

Hello all,

I'm Fabio Carneiro, and I'm the resident email designer for MailChimp, Mandrill, and TinyLetter. I've been in web design in one form or another for 16 years, and have spent the past 5 years solely working with HTML email.

For the past year and a half, I've worked on educating others about email design. In addition to giving multiple talks on the subject. the effort culminated in the creation of an email design reference and in the recording of an email design course for Treehouse.

I'll save my email hopes and dreams for another thread. Suffice it to say, I'm excited about the creation of this group, and I'm looking forward to working with you all to improve the HTML email ecosystem.


Fabio Carneiro
Email & User Experience Design

On Jan 31, 2014, at 12:10 PM, Charles McCathie Nevile <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I requested that everyone write a short introduction. Even if you're just going to lurk, it is useful to have an idea of who is watching this list.
> I'm chaals, a long-time participant in W3C work. I am part of the CTO group at Yandex, where I focus on Yandex' involvement in standards. Within W3C I am co-chair of W3C's Web Apps Working Group, Member of the ADvisory Board and chair of the W3C Process Community Group, and co-co-ordinator of the HTML Accesibility Task Force within the HTML Working Group.
> I've previously worked at Opera, W3C, and RMIT University (plus various non-web jobs), and been involved in Fundación Sidar, an IberoAmerican group focused on Web Accessibility.
> I'm not an expert on HTML email, but I find it frustrating that it isn't straightforward to produce a proper structured document for email, and instead at best I can make something that might look pretty sometimes. I'm possibly no longer an expert on HTML either, as it keeps getting more complex, but at least I am still actively involved in its development.
> (There's more about me on the internet, and maybe even a lot of it is true).
> I'm also chair of this group, for no better reason than I created it. I hope we'll figure out a rough idea of how we should move forward, but I would rather we focused on doing work than on how we think others should do it :)
> At some point when we've settled in a bit I'll open a discussion on how we should run this group, but for now I will (ab)use my powers as chair (which are almost limitless in a CG, oddly enough) to suggest that we aim to do things by consensus, and that Connolly's Law (the one who does the work decides on the rules for how it's done) is a useful rule of thumb for starting out.
> cheers
> Chaals
> -- 
> Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex
>         Find more at

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 12:53:21 UTC