Re: Test cases

Hey Chaals,  

Good point, I think that would make them much easier to read. Maybe include a column for a screenshot of the expected result as well (if that wasn’t already what you suggested)?

I’ll be happy to set up a free account for the test, if we want the same kind of setup as which lets anyone easily send it to their addresses.


On Tuesday 4. February 2014 at 12:50, Charles McCathie Nevile wrote:

> Hi,
> at the moment, the only obvious test case I have listed on the Wiki is the  
> acid-test from (
> While it's a handy test, there are a coupleof issue. The big one is that  
> it isn't very easy to collate results - the test covers a bunch of  
> different things, but I need to refer back to the original page and check  
> over the two renderings, and even then some of what I am doing is guessing  
> what is being tested.
> It seems like it would be helpful to producing test cases that included  
> the expected result, and stated exactly what they were testing.
> I'm thinking something like normal Wiki Editing Help pages - in one  
> column, you see something, in another you get an explanation of what you  
> should see, and what that means, e.g.
> <table border="1">
> <tr><td>
> Some text
> </td><td>
> You should have a two-column one-row table.
> <img alt="two-column one-row HTML table with a single-thckness cell  
> border" src=".."/>
> If so, your agent supports basic table layout, and the table attribute  
> border.
> </td></tr>
> <a href="someMagic">Click Here!!1One</a> to submit this result
> Thoughts? Anyone got better tests already, or a system that collects  
> results?
> cheers
> Chaals
> --  
> Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex
> Find more at

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 11:56:24 UTC