Re: Why we need Houdini...

It seems there are a number of projects like css-layout
<> and react-canvas
<> who we should really be working
with to help define our use cases and identify the long hanging fruit we
should prioritize first.  I've added a customers
<> list on the wiki to at least help
us track these projects in one place - feel free to edit as you see fit.


On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Rick Byers <> wrote:

> Absolutely.  Note that this calls out explicitly the need for performant
> scroll customization:
> "Scrollable elements are possible in pure HTML and CSS with overflow:
> scroll (combined with-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch on iOS) but these do
> not give you frame-by-frame control over the scrolling animation and mobile
> browsers have a difficult time with long, complex content."
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 12:27 PM, Greg Whitworth <>
> wrote:
>>   Saw this today and thought it was a good example of why we should try
>> our hardest to see Houdini to completion. It’s a good example of what a web
>> author can do, and what they’re already doing to do their own layout and
>> painting.
>> Greg

Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 03:58:22 UTC