from November 2018 by subject

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-animationworklet] Listening events in animation worklet (#834)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-layout-api] "converting" link points to the wrong place (#837)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-layout-api] "translate a LayoutConstraintsOptions to internal constraints" algorithm should take child layout as an argument (#838)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-layout-api] [Exposed] is not valid on dictionaries and enums (#836)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-layout-api] define or link to what "override size" means (#839)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-layout-api] Example 12 typo? (#842)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-layout-api] issues with (optional) caching of intrinsic size computation and generated fragments (#841)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-layout-api] Positioning example issues (#840)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-properties-values-api] More formal description of registerProperty required

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-properties-values-api] Observer for property being applied? (#555)

[css-houdini-drafts] [css-properties-values-api] What does Typed OM return for <transform-function> type properties?

[css-houdini-drafts] [font-metrics-api] Compatibility notes with Canvas TextMetrics API

[css-houdini-drafts] [font-metrics-api] Revised proposal of font metrics for each character

[css-houdini-drafts] need to define the exact grammar accepted by "syntax"

[css-houdini-drafts] Pull Request: [css-properties-values-api] Require var() fallbacks to match syntax.

[css-houdini-drafts] Pull Request: [css-typed-om] Fix return type of example

[css-houdini-drafts] Worklets does not integrate with the event loop (#843)

Closed: [css-houdini-drafts] [css-properties-values-api] More formal description of registerProperty required

Closed: [css-houdini-drafts] [css-properties-values-api] Registering a property should cause us to validate var() fallback

Last message date: Thursday, 29 November 2018 20:39:48 UTC