RE: [BIONT-DSE] Inclusion versus exclusion criteria


My guess (and some based from my own experience), is that it supports the way a lot of non-technical clinicians like to organize the process: 1) what I want, 2) what I must avoid.

I beleive you are right that exlcusion is simply an explicit set of OR-ed negations. An interesting thing to find out would be whether there are any exclusions forms that are AND-ed negations-- in which a simple list of exclusion criteria would be insufficient.


-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Alan Ruttenberg
Sent: Tue 9/11/2007 12:53 PM
To: Vipul Kashyap
Cc: Andersson, Bo H; Landen Bain; Rachel Richesson; public-semweb-lifesci hcls;; Stanley Huff; Yan Heras; Oniki, Tom (GE Healthcare, consultant); Joey Coyle; Bron W. Kisler; Ida Sim
Subject: [BIONT-DSE] Inclusion versus exclusion criteria

Something that I remain confused about is why there are two  
categories of criteria, when, on the face of it, the negation of an  
exclusion criterion is an inclusion criterion.

So I'm wondering, is there something between the lines? Is there  
something other than the negation? Perhaps kind of criteria, or  
lesser necessity, or derivation from different sources? Open versus  
closed world? Otherwise, from a technical point of view can we just  
consider these the the same sort of thing, with a flag indicating how  
they should be shown in a hypothetical user interface?


Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2007 17:44:30 UTC