- From: Kashyap, Vipul <VKASHYAP1@PARTNERS.ORG>
- Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 10:58:26 -0500
- To: "Andersson, Bo H" <Bo.H.Andersson@astrazeneca.com>
- Cc: <public-hcls-dse@w3.org>, "Stanley Huff" <Stan.Huff@intermountainmail.org>, "Oniki, Tom (GE Healthcare, consultant)" <Tom.Oniki@ge.com>, "Jonathan Rees" <jar@creativecommons.org>, "Alan Ruttenberg" <alanruttenberg@gmail.com>
Bo, Thanks for the feedback! In general, I believe that we share the same objectives at a "conceptual" level, though there might be some differences related to approach and incremental steps. I will definitely put these as questions to be discussed in the brainstorming session. Let me try to understand them a little better. > - Our understanding is that the objective for the "Clinical > Observations Interoperability" group is to come up with a > proposal how to facilitate secondary use of clinical > observations (i.e. the data) across clinical practice and > clinical trials. Our use case details one specific example. > We have tried to explain our view in the slid set at the wiki. > Does everybody agree about the objective? Absolutely. This is clearly the high level objective. Towards this end, we are focusing on one use case: Patient Recruitment using Clinical Trials. This is by no means meant to exclude others, but I guess we need to start somewhere. But I am sure we can consider other use cases as well as we move forward. > - What we need is a solution that is robust over time; our > personal experience is that mapping between items on > different levels will not be sustainable. > At the TC Alan described how robust "concepts", e.g. parts of > existing concept system (terminologies), could be "promoted > / established" to a domain level (ontology). > We propose a discussion around if this approach can be used > to establish domain models for areas of clinical observations? This is exactly the approach to create "domain models" and mappings which are sustainable. The only difference in that this so could approach should some how tie in to existing industry standards and if not we should have convincing reasons for the same. So, I would consider this as dual objectives which could go hand in hand. > - If yes on previous question, we propose to use this > approach when developing the use case. Is that doable? > If not, what solution is available that meet our requirement? I think the approach we are suggesting is to take individual examples such as blood pressure and work our way to the objective you described. It will be valuable for us to ground our objective in real world examples and industry standards and I think you are agreeable to that. Cheers, ---Vipul The information transmitted in this electronic communication is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this information in error, please contact the Compliance HelpLine at 800-856-1983 and properly dispose of this information.
Received on Thursday, 8 November 2007 15:58:56 UTC