In light of David's comment, we're at a concur from HP! :)

I think it would be helpful for the OWL WG to have an opinion from the 
GRDDL WG even subject to all of Dan's riders that the group is very 
close to closed. [*] I think Harry seemed to have done OK at calling a 
consensus of those of us in the discussion, and presenting it as "the 
opinion of those members of the GRDDL WG still active on the mailing 
list" as opposed to the opinion of the GRDDL WG, would address Dan's point.


[*] I've just checked the charter, and it does seem as though the group 
should have been formally closed! The charter has a six month period 
after rec, and we've now had more like eight.

Received on Monday, 19 May 2008 12:47:39 UTC