RE: on test #grddlonrdf

> From: Jeremy Carroll
> [ . . . ]
> However, if you were to suggest an erratum, I point out that the tests
> are definitely not in error (since it doesn't depend on
> #rule_rdfxbase),  it's more the comment (which does so depend) that is arguably
> in error.

I'm confused.  Given the input at
doesn't the XSLT script at
only generate one triple?   But the output at
seems to also include the three triples that were directly written in the input document at
Aren't those three triples produced by #rule_rdfxbase?  If not, what rule is producing them in the GRDDL result?

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |

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Received on Thursday, 24 January 2008 17:15:37 UTC