Re: help - loopx

Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> I'm a bit stuck.
> I changed the .htaccess file on Friday to include the following rule
solved - more after testing


> RewriteRule   ^loopx$    loopx.xml [L]
> which I thought would do the trick, of forcing
> to deliver loopx.xml instead of loopx.xsl
> but it didn't work, so I went home for the weekend, hoping that some 
> cache would clear, and it still doesn't work.
> In desparation I added the following line:
> Redirect 301 /2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/loopx 
> which I think might not work correctly due to the GRDDL rules on 3XX 
> responses, but still I get the xsl file, and even if I go via soemwhere 
> otehr than my own machine e.g.
> I still get the xsl rather than the xml (see source listing at bottom of 
> that page)
> I attach the current state of the .htaccess file.
> Any help appreciated.
> Jeremy

Received on Monday, 24 September 2007 08:39:03 UTC