RDF Output for hreview2rdf

I had a look at the XSLT and everything seems to be working for me:

When i run:
xsltproc http://suda.co.uk/sandbox/GRDDL/hreview2rdfxml.xsl

i get back the attached results.

A snipping here, looks more like what you expect:
<Description xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
    <vcard:FN>Catacombs Hotel, Edinburgh</vcard:FN>
    <vcard:URL rdf:resource="http://catacombs.example.com/"/>
    <vcard:ADR rdf:parseType="Resource">
      <vcard:Street>213 Forest Rd..</vcard:Street>
      <vcard:Country>United Kingdom</vcard:Country>
      <vcard:Pcode>EH1 1QW</vcard:Pcode>
      <review:Review rdf:about="http://catacombs.example.com/">
        <rdfs:label>Catacombs Hotel, Edinburgh</rdfs:label>
            <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="http://paul.example.org/"/>

I do have CVS access so i'll try to bundle and commit the XSLT files
to the W3C space so it is stable and available to others.

If there are issues, let me know.


brian suda

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2007 19:07:06 UTC