
Two things:
- I've made a few changes, see below
- there is an issue arising, that will need some further change, see 
after list of changes.
- I suggest an approach to the issue, but I am not wedded to it.


1) I wanted to add support for SecurityTest
   I did this by refactoring the bulk of the main rule into a named 
template, and then duplicating the  rule, but with the additional 
constraint class='SecurityTest'
  I then changed the typed node for such tests from t:Test to 
g:SecurityTest. This should mean that automatic testing software ignores 
these tests, that are not suitable for such testing (because they are 
system specific)

2) I added an internal DTD for declaring entities, so that any URIs used 
more than once in the file could be declared as entities, reducing the 
risk of changing one instance but not another

3) I changed references to the TR space doc, to references to the td 
area, except for the xml:base one, where I couldn't decide on whether to 

4) This left a problem with the NetworkTest class, where, if I 
understand correctly, the idea is that the base URI for the test (e.g.
http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/testlist2#) should be hard-coded 
into aboutTests.xsl rather than depend on the base URI, which is 
different as to whether we have a local copy or not. So that the 
networked tests always are referred to by a networked URI ....
As a temporary measure I dropped this, and the NetworkTest and other 
tests have the same identifier  "#{@id}".


- what should be the test URIs and how to get them into the 
aboutTests.xsl transform, given that we want this to apply just as well 
to the grddl-tests document as well as the testlist[123] documents etc.
- what is the right way to handle NetworkTest ids
- what is the right way to handle NetworkTest input files.

A possible approach would be to put xml:base values into the source 
documents, e.g.

class="TestList" xml:base="http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/testlist1">

and then extract these as part of the URIs for the tests.
I think we should do this for all the test URIs.

However, for the input documents, we could extract the base only for 
NetworkTest class. So that when running locally you have the following 
a) the test URIs are the same as when running networked
b) the NetworkTests are distinguishable, because they have type 
c) the input documents for non-network tests will be resolved relative 
to how the testlist document (or whatever) was accessed, e.g. by a file URI.
d) the input documents for network tests will always be the full http: 
URI to the WG test directory

If this sounds OK, I am happy to implement that.

It would be simpler if we move to having only one testlist document, and 
combine all the tests into one doc.


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Received on Thursday, 29 March 2007 14:36:09 UTC